The inconvenience of operating electric meters installed on a stairwell or other common areas is familiar to every user living in multi-apartment buildings. Most of them eventually try to change the situation and move the meter closer to the place of direct residence, that is, into a house or apartment. However, this is not so simple, since formally it is the responsibility of the energy supplying company, from which a transfer permit must be obtained. To understand whether it is possible to transfer an electricity meter to an apartment, you first need to deal with all the nuances of this problem.
Does the transfer violate the law?
Self-relocation of the electric meter to the apartment from the site is considered legal if the following measures of a coordinating nature were taken before:
- An application is submitted to the Energobyt service with a request to transfer the apartment meter.
- After its consideration, company representatives prepare technical specifications, according to which a number of installation operations will be required.
- Upon their completion, a service inspector should come and check the connection of the transferred electric energy metering device.
- He must seal the meter and draw up an inspection report confirming the absence of serious comments.
With this procedure for registering the transfer of the device, it does not matter who was the direct performer of the work - the user himself or an invited specialist. The procedure will not be followed by penalties. But in case of violation of at least one of the listed points, the transfer of electricity meters to the apartment will not be considered legal.
Reasons and order of transfer

After solving the problem of the legality of the actions taken, two other important questions should be dealt with: why should this be done at all and how to transfer the electricity meter from the entrance to the apartment in compliance with all installation rules (according to the requirements of the EMP).
Reasons for moving the meter
After moving the electric meter to the apartment, you don’t have to worry about its safety and it’s easy to keep track of the current readings on the indicator of the device.
Despite the fact that the meter is formally considered the property of Energosbyt, the responsibility for its condition and performance under the law rests with citizens living in the apartment.
It is possible to transfer electric meters from the entrance to the apartment in cases where this operation is really in demand and agreed with the relevant services.
Instrument installation procedure
The sequence of operations performed during the transfer of the electric meter:
- Disconnect the home network completely by disconnecting the opening machine.
- Remove the cover of the contact panel of the electric meter with a seal, under which the connecting terminals with the set of supply conductors are located.
- Take a picture of the entire contact block, which will fix the order of connecting individual wires.
- After that, you can safely disconnect them to free the electric meter and move it subsequently to a previously prepared place.
If all conductors are insulated with the same color, it is advisable to hang tags with numbers corresponding to the designations of the contacts on the connection block.
All subsequent operations are associated with the direct transfer of the device. They are performed strictly in the following sequence:
- At a selected and pre-prepared place in the room, install a cabinet or base under the counter, which is securely fixed to the wall. The mounting height is selected taking into account the convenience of taking readings.
- Pave a harness with veins extending from the old place.
- Connect the pre-marked wires to the corresponding terminals of the meter. When connecting them, it is important to ensure that the screw fasteners are fully tightened and cannot loosen over time.
- Invite a representative of the energy service who will evaluate the work done and seal the device installed in the new location.
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Only after a visit to an employee of the power supply organization can all the work be considered completed, and a newly installed electricity meter - legally operated.
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Users who believe that they are able to cope with this problem on their own, get the opportunity to do without unnecessary costs. The flip side of this option is possible errors during switching, which will result in problems in recognizing the correctness of the transfer. To be safe, it is wiser to invite a specialist who, along with the installation of the device, has the right to seal it. The only drawback of this approach is the need to pay for the work performed at the rate provided by the Energy Sales Service.
Install electricity meters in apartments is possible only if all the requirements of the law are met. To comply with them, you need to worry in advance about the choice of the installation location of the portable electric meter and the invitation of a specialist. The best option is to bring an electrician to the local energy services, authorized to seal all meter brands.