Electricity meters are used in every home. These are devices for 220 and 380 V, allowing you to record the amount of energy used per month. According to the data received, the amount that the owner of the house or apartment must pay the organization that supplies electricity is calculated. To find out how much you need to pay, the user must be able to take readings from the meter. Calculation of electricity by average monthly consumption is carried out every month on the same date.
Why do you need to calculate electricity

Each month, the owner of the apartment must record the readings from the electricity meter. Values are in kilowatts per hour (kW / h). The removed data must be shown to the staff representative of the organization engaged in energy supply, or independently calculate the necessary amount. The calculation is straightforward; in some models of meters for convenience, the necessary values are highlighted in color. A counter is placed at the entrance to the apartment and after the transformers.
How to notify your organization about energy costs:
- Come personally to the service office and report the readings.
- Send data over the Internet.
- Call the organization and dictate the information by phone.
- Include indications in the column when paying receipts.
After that, the required amount is paid.
The algorithm for obtaining information from the counter depends on the model of the device. Old mechanical devices and modern electronic devices are now used. Mechanical devices are single tariff, therefore, when determining the amount for energy, complex calculations are not required.
How to calculate electricity by a meter from mechanical devices:
- The device has a dial with 5-7 digits. On each drum, values are from 0 to 9. It is necessary to write down the data to a decimal point - this is the energy expended during the counter operation.
- The received value is transmitted to the network organization in the received form or is subtracted from the previous value.
A number of counters are reset to their maximum value. In this case, before counting kilowatts by the meter per light, add one (1 000001) to the new value (for example, 000001) before zeros and subtract the previous value.
Receiving data from new meters is significantly different from mechanical. Electronic metering devices are single-phase and three-phase. The main difference is the presence of an electronic display, which can be multi-tariff. For proper reading, you need to understand the features of the product. One-tariff indications do not have a division into zones, two-tariff indications are marked as T1 / T2, three-tariff indications T1 / T2 / T3.
Algorithm for recording readings:
- Press the button on the device. It is called “Input”, “Frame”, “PRSM”.
- Numbers appear on the screen. You need to look at the signatures of the zones - T1, T2, T3. This determines how electricity is calculated on an average basis.
- The main current indicators, consisting of 5-6 digits, are written down to a comma.
- The received data is sent to the appropriate organization.
Single tariff instruments display the total energy consumption. Two-tariff are divided into the day zone T1 from 7:00 to 23:00 and the night T2 from 23:00 to 7:00. Three-tariff are divided into the peak zone T1, which has two periods of time from 7:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00; night T2 from 23:00 to 7:00 and half-peak T3 alternating from 10:00 to 17:00 and from 21:00 to 23:00.Sections may vary depending on the region where the meter is installed.
Calculation of electricity by the meter
The accuracy of the calculations depends on the correct choice of tariff. It differs for the regions, and will also be considered depending on additional factors: type of settlement, rates at different times of the day, benefits, etc. You can find out the tariff for a particular house in different ways:
- On the website or office of the service provider. All data is indicated on the stands. If the tariff rises, information can be found in the press and on the website of the commission dealing with electricity issues. The department’s resource also offers an online calculator through which you can find out the fee for a specified period of time.
- View on receipt.
It is important to learn about tariff increases from official sources. This will avoid calculation errors.
Next, you can proceed to the calculation of the spent voltage and current. This is done differently depending on the type of instrument.
Calculation of a single-phase meter
The difference between the values in the current and previous month is calculated. This value is multiplied by the set tariff.
Example: current readings are 000200, for the previous month 000150. The difference will be equal to 000200-000150 = 50 kW / h. Let the tariff be equal to 5 r per kWh. Then the payment amount will be 50 * 5 = 250 rubles.
Calculation of a two-tariff device
Subtraction is performed in the same way, but for each zone separately. Further, the obtained value is multiplied by the corresponding tariff. T1 needs to be multiplied by the peak zone tariff, T2 by the night tariff, which is lower in cost.
Calculation of a three-tariff metering device
Data is taken from three zones. The values for the previous month are deducted from them. The corresponding readings are multiplied by a specific tariff.
An example of how to calculate the light for a three-tariff device by the meter: T1 for the current month is 000400, T2 000350, T3 000550. For the previous month, T1 000380, T2 000300, T3 000490. Then you need to pay for the peak zone (at a rate of 6 r) 000400- 000380 = 000020 * 6 = 120 rubles. For a night (at a tariff of 2 r) 000 350 - 000 300 = 000050 * 2 = 100 rubles. For a half-peak (at a tariff of 5 rubles) 000550 - 000490 = 000060 * 5 = 300 rubles. All the obtained values need to be added: 120 + 100 + 300 = 520 rubles. This amount should be paid for the billing period.
There are several ways to reduce costs. First of all, it is recommended to turn on powerful appliances at night with a reduced rate. You should also replace all light bulbs in the house with energy-saving (LED, fluorescent).
Household needs
The total amount in the receipt may vary. It may increase additional costs. This is due to the fact that a fee is charged for ONE - common house needs. These include fees for lighting in the entrance, on the site, lamps in the attic, in the elevator, built-in parking. All the energy that is spent on lighting and house maintenance is shared between the tenants and added to the receipt in the ONE column. The fee for common house energy was established by law No. 307 of 2006 and was the same for everyone. Further, after the release of resolution No. 344 in 2013, the fee is calculated depending on the area of the apartment.
Calculation of payment is made as the footage of a certain apartment divided by the area of the house. The coefficient obtained determines the amount that the landlord must pay.
What to do if there is no metering device
Calculation of electricity consumption without metering device is done differently. The average indicator in the region of consumption is taken. Next, the number of people living in the apartment should be multiplied by the average and the local tariff. It is important to note that in this case, the owner of the apartment will overpay for energy, because it does not need to be calculated. It will not be possible to spend the entire proposed amount of electricity, so it is more profitable to put an meter.