Lighting is the most important detail in the design of any room. It can visually increase the size of the room, make the ceilings higher, divide the space into zones. Each room is individual, but there are basic schemes for placing lighting devices on a stretch ceiling with and without a chandelier. With the right choice and installation of devices, you can achieve maximum lighting effect.
Fundamental rules

The choice of the installation location of lighting devices on the ceiling is individual. It depends on the area and shape of the room, its purpose, the location of furniture, the presence of windows and other factors. There are a number of nuances that need to be considered when drawing up a layout:
- The lamp should give a certain level of brightness in a certain part of the room. In the kitchen, the working area should be well lit, in the resting place the light is recommended to be muted.
- Be sure to observe the minimum distance between light sources. If the bulbs are installed around the perimeter, the distance should be at least 20 cm. Indent between the nearest devices should be at least 30 cm. These standards can be revised upwards depending on the dimensions of the device and the material of the stretch ceiling.
- Light bulbs should not be heated. High temperatures cause deformation of the ceiling, so it is important to comply with power limitation requirements.
Further, the features of each room are taken into account. Choosing the location of fixtures in a rectangular room is easier than in a complex shape.
Choice of fixtures
The canvas from which the suspended ceilings are made requires a limitation of the power of lighting fixtures. If the power is exceeded and the bulb heats up, the ceiling may be damaged. For PVC films, the power should be no higher than 40 W for an incandescent lamp and no more than 20 W for a halogen light source. If the ceiling is made of satin fabric, the maximum power of an incandescent bulb is 60 watts, halogen - 35 watts.
On stretch ceilings, it is recommended to use LED lamps and ribbons. These devices almost do not heat up, have high efficiency and work for a long time. When installing, it is important to consider that to power the tape you will need to install the driver in an accessible place. In a light bulb, it is built into the structure.
Popular schemes
There are various options for the location of light sources. A unique scheme, suitable for all rooms, does not exist, since each room has its own characteristics. When developing a plan, you need to consider whether a chandelier will be used, how many spotlights are needed. If possible, consult with a designer.
Schemes with a chandelier
The classic arrangement in a rectangular room - in the center there is a chandelier, and on the edges - point devices. You can install a lamp in each corner. Also, light sources can be located around the perimeter of the room, in the form of an oval, arc, crosswise, asymmetrically. It is recommended to put more lamps in that part of the room where you need bright light. This will help make the zoning of the room.
There are schemes in which not one, but several central chandeliers are used. This arrangement is suitable for large living rooms and halls. In small rooms, bedrooms or kitchens, a scheme with one central chandelier is selected.
Schemes without a chandelier
The house has rooms in which it is impossible to install a chandelier.This is a corridor, a bathroom or a small kitchen. Then the spotlight on the ceiling acts as the main backlight.
The spots can be arranged in a straight line in one row or several depending on the width of the space. You can set the light sources with an arc, around the perimeter, in a circle. An asymmetrical arrangement that can be created to fit your needs also looks interesting.
Calculation of the number of fixtures
In order to correctly determine the minimum required number of lighting devices and choose the best scheme, the following parameters must be considered:
- what lamps will be used (type, power);
- room size;
- multi-level or single-level ceiling in the room;
- the presence of windows;
- the purpose of the room;
- the need for zoning;
- interior;
- type of stretch ceiling - glossy, matte;
- the arrangement of furniture in the room.
Each room has its own lighting standards. For the bathroom and toilet, this value is 2 W / sq.m., For the living room - 3 W / sq.m., In the hallway - 1 W / sq.m., The bedroom - 2 W / sq.m., The nursery - 8 W / sq.m.
Given these parameters, the number of light sources is selected. First you need to multiply the area of the room (sq.m.) by the lighting rate (W / sq.m.) And get the power. The found value should be divided by the power of one bulb. The result is a number of LED sources, which will create optimal illumination.
Location in different rooms
The choice of lighting is the most important step in decorating any space. Using the correct placement of devices, you can create the optimal backlight, change the size and height of the room. The arrangement of the lamps directly depends on the purpose of the room. In each room, lighting devices fulfill their role and create the corresponding illumination.
Corridor and hallway
The entrance hall is a place where natural light is completely absent. Its dimensions may be small. Visually increase the area using the correct placement of bulbs.
It is best to use a white glossy suspended ceiling with small spotlights in the hallway. The rays will scatter, making it appear that the walls are wider and the ceiling is higher.
A convenient arrangement is along the perimeter or along the walls. In narrow corridors, springs can be placed in one line in the center of the ceiling.
In the kitchen, it is necessary to highlight the work area and the table, if any. In the dining area, ceiling points are used for lighting.
The table can be illuminated with lamps with diode or fluorescent bulbs.
The working part is highlighted separately, the light from the ceiling lamps is not enough to create the desired lighting.
In the kitchen, you can install point devices depending on its size. They can be staggered or placed in pairs.
Living room and lounge
Traditionally, the living room and the hall are premises with a large area. Spotlights are assistants to the main chandelier. The light should be bright and uniform.
The standard layout is around the perimeter or in the shape of an oval with a chandelier at a central point.
You can also put lamps along one or two walls. With the help of additional lamps, you can highlight the decor elements on the wall - paintings, paintings.
On multi-level ceilings, an LED strip is often used that is installed around the perimeter. It additionally highlights the walls and design of the room.
Lighting in the bedroom should be soft, comfortable and pleasant. It is necessary to additionally highlight the following areas:
- bed - above it is recommended to make a pair of spotlights or hang a chandelier;
- wardrobe - you should create lighting as close to natural as possible;
- desktop - additional local lighting is required in addition to ceiling lights.
The light sources in the bedroom can be built-in type. There are no requirements for the diffusion of light, it is more important to create a cozy atmosphere that is conducive to relaxation. Lamps should be warm white shades so as not to cause irritation.
In a children's room, it is especially important to realize bright lighting for the proper development of the eyes. The backlight should be as close as possible to natural sunlight. The best option is to use LED lamps - they are safe, reliable and durable. In the children's room you can make the effect of the starry sky. This is done using photo printing and diodes that mimic the constellations and planets.
In addition to spot devices, you can put LED backlight. This solution will help if the child is afraid of the dark and is afraid to fall asleep.
The bathroom has many reflective surfaces - mirrors, tiles, plumbing. They enhance the effect of installed fixtures. In the bathroom, it is enough to put several lighting devices with the possibility of changing the direction of the light.
Usually the lighting in the bathroom is divided into 3 levels: the upper ceiling, highlighting of individual areas and floor lighting. The lower level is recommended to be highlighted with LED strip. General and overhead lighting - using spots. The layout of the fixtures on the stretch ceiling is not so critical, it all depends on the preferences of the landlord. More attention should be paid to protecting the case from moisture and dust.