Electricity metering devices - electric meters - these are technical devices responsible for the correct calculation of current consumption. The shelf life of the electric meter is determined by special standards. After the set period has elapsed, the device must be replaced, the service company may send a notification. To avoid violation and imposition of penalties, you should familiarize yourself with the general requirements in advance.
Types of electricity meters

The principle of operation of any counter is the interaction of several elements: input and output contacts, internal circuit (mechanical, electronic). According to the network used, devices are distinguished that commute with AC or DC circuits. The first are more common, are divided into the following types:
- induction (used over 150 years);
- electronic (modern metering devices);
- Hybrid (combine the functions of the previous two types).
New connections are made using electronic devices. Wizards also recommend changing old induction options to more modern devices.
General requirements for meters
Any of these types of electrical metering devices must meet several mandatory requirements:
- compliance with the registry - a list of imported and domestic brands of manufacturers that have passed certification, certification and are approved for installation in the Russian Federation;
- registration after the commissioning of a new device or modernization of the old one (any changes, internal or external, are considered), it is important to check the compliance of the instrument readings and the data recorded in the act;
- installation height - no more than 1.7 meters from the floor level;
- the corresponding life of the electric meter in the apartment.
If the device does not pass the test on at least one of the items, its readings will not be taken into account. Penalties may apply. This is especially true for large industrial facilities with significant levels of light consumption.
Replacement Standards
Outdated models or those that have been used for a long time are not subject to replacement, repair or state verification. Replacement is carried out in a period called the inter-check interval. The valid period is 16 years from the date of the last inspection. Another situation is a clear breakdown of an electrical device. Replacement in this case is immediate. Documents on the basis of which the process takes place:
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 dated May 04, 2012 - determines the level of accuracy of devices, the required indicator is 2.0 and higher;
- Gosstandart decision, letter of Gosenergonadzor from 2000 - dictate the procedure for replacing technical metering devices.
If the residential premises are in the possession of the consumer, the replacement of devices at the end of the life of the electric meter is carried out at his expense.
However, if the technical devices are on the balance of the energy supply company or the owner of the multi-apartment building (municipal, state, other property), reinstallation is carried out at their expense. Responsibilities for the maintenance and maintenance of meters are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 543, 210), as well as in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.
The need to replace old electric meters
Different standards are established for enterprises and citizens, which depend on the power of electricity consumed. The service life of the electric meter and the procedure for its replacement are significantly different.
For citizens
In the apartments of many users, up to now, classic induction-type devices have been installed - they serve properly, they give true readings. There are doubts as to whether replacement of such a device is required. An explanation is given by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation: the main thing is that the meter should correspond to the accuracy class of such equipment, at the moment - 2.0 or more.
The service life of a conventional meter is approximately 25-30 years. It is indicated in the technical documentation for the device. If this is not preserved, you should contact the electrical company for clarification or find a model on the Internet and compare the data.
If the life of the meter has not expired and the accuracy class is in accordance with the standards, no replacement is required. However, verification should take place according to the current plan.
For enterprises and organizations
The requirements for large facilities are regulated by clause 139 of the “Basic Provisions for the Functioning of Retail Markets” In accordance with this normative act, the ratio of parameters should be as follows:
- power up to 670 kW - accuracy level 1.0 and more;
- above the specified power limit - 0.5.
An important point - electric meters for organizations should keep readings by the hour, the period should be equal to four months (120 days).
Mandatory replacement of electrical devices
In some cases, using the “loopholes” does not work. The law establishes a clear list of devices that are subject to mandatory replacement. First of all, the following situations apply to them:
- planned change of electrical metering devices, which is carried out in connection with updating network requirements or as a result of other work;
- breakage, occurrence of malfunctions, failures, incorrect display of indicators;
- replacement is necessary due to the expiration of the meter (the specific period is indicated in the technical documents).
The law does not establish requirements for the selection of a type of electric meter. You can put and register anything - induction, electronic, hybrid.
Differences in shelf life from inter-verification and warranty

The validity period of the meter begins at the time of sealing. Registration in this situation is carried out automatically by the employees of the inspection organization. However, this period does not necessarily coincide with the dates indicated in the technical passport.
Typically, the documentation indicates the average shelf life of an electric meter in a house or apartment, which is 25-30 years. This period means, according to the manufacturer's assumptions, during the specified time the device will work properly. Thus, the expiration date of electrical metering devices is calculated and marked.
The passport notes several key dates that affect the timing of the replacement of meters:
- the date the device was launched;
- next verification time.
The difference between these numbers is the inter-check interval or in abbreviated form - MPI. Compliance with verification periods is necessary. The nuance is that some breakdowns can occur only after a certain time. With the naked eye, these moments cannot be traced. Moreover, a non-electrician citizen will not notice the change. The inter-check interval depends on the model of the electric meter:
- single-phase - 2 years;
- three-phase - 1 year;
- electronic - 4-15 years.
Also, the setting of the inter-verification period depends on the nature of the audit. Metrological control carries out calibration of devices with a frequency of 16 years, technical is assigned at least once every 6 years. Organizations serving electrical networks can set separate periods (depending on the work, repair, updates).
The beginning of the inter-check interval is the date of sealing the equipment, and not its factory production.
The warranty period is set by the manufacturer. During the specified period, the buyer may receive a free repair or replacement. The average duration is 5 years. You need to know when buying, different manufacturers set different time frames.
Technical passport is one of the most important documents. The dates and results of the examinations are indicated here. It also allows you to take advantage of the warranty period.
The procedure for checking the electric meter

Checking meters for electricity consumption is carried out by masters specially authorized by the relevant organizations. For errors in fixing the readings of the device are verified:
- at the time of production - primary;
- at the end of the inter-check intervals, the data of the electric meter and control devices are compared - periodic;
- in case of emergency (loss or failure of the seal, loss of the technical certificate of the device, doubts about the correctness of the testimony, others) - extraordinary.
Companies whose employees are entitled to check and seal are energy-saving or metrological. It can be difficult to determine the latter - find out the organization responsible for the site, contact, and agree. However, the services of such firms are usually cheaper than a full-time master electrician.
The process does not require dismantling of equipment, verification is carried out at the location of the device. Employees carry out work with the help of special measuring devices - an ohmmeter, a wattmeter, which are alternately connected to the counter contacts in several modes. In addition to the correctness of the issued indications, the sensitivity of the terminals, the condition of the case and the examination of the appearance of the product are checked.
If according to the results of the check it turns out that the current device gives indications with an error, it is recommended to replace the electric meter with a new one. Repairing such equipment is expensive, and the failed masters will not seal.
Electric meter life
The most common types of readout devices are induction and electronic. Hybrid use is not recommended by the wizard. Due to the different designs, the periods and requirements differ, after how many years it is necessary to change the installed meters for electricity.
Induction (mechanical)
The principle of operation of this type of meter is to use electromagnetic induction. Inside is a coil through which an electric current passes and creates a magnetic field, which, in turn, makes the drive with fixed numbers move.Accordingly, the larger the electron flux passing through the coil, the sooner the disk rotates and the numbers move. This device is used to calculate electricity from the end of the XIX century, but has not lost its relevance and performance.
The shelf life of apartment devices of induction type is 30 years, which is due to the design and strength of the materials.
Modern counters show a higher accuracy class, which means fixing data with minimal error. The main difference in the design is the absence of moving elements. In theory, this feature should increase the life of the device. But this condition has not yet been verified in practice - electronic meters have been installed relatively recently.
Declared by the designers, the service life is 25-30 years. However, the data is still being clarified.
Devices of this type often include models whose appearance combines elements of the two previous ones. Electricians say that hybrid meters, as a separate class of devices, do not exist. The filling is either mechanical or electronic. For example, a device is considered a hybrid, which has a magnetic coil, and a display is installed outside.
For mixed electric meters, the service life is set depending on the "filling" - 25-30 years. Such devices are cheaper due to the layout of various elements.
The life of electric meters is an approximate period of time during which the device must work flawlessly. Installed by the manufacturer, indicated in the passport of the device and is 25-30 years (depending on model). The master can determine the exact moment of replacement. If a breakdown is detected, it is better to replace the device - the repair is expensive and long.