Without electricity in the house normal human activity is impossible. All household appliances, light, electronics work from electricity. Without power, people cannot do most homework. Electricity can be lost for various reasons - accidents at substations, breakdowns on the power line, non-payment of bills, connection of powerful devices. Before restoring the electrical system, it is necessary to determine why the electricity was lost. Each owner should know what to do if electricity is cut off in the apartment.
Reasons for the lack of electricity
Electricity may be absent in one house or apartment. If the lights go out in one or more buildings, the likely causes are accidents or repairs. It will not work out independently, so you have to wait until electricity appears in the house. Turning off the lights in one apartment can be caused by a breakdown in the wiring area, non-payment of bills, overload.
The main technical reasons for turning off the light:
- Scheduled and overhaul of individual parts of power supply lines. When concluding an agreement between the service provider and the consumer, the period of power outage must be indicated. Usually it is 72 hours per year. Without a break, electricity cannot be cut off for more than 24 hours. Before work, the consumer is notified.
Scheduled Power Line Repair
Emergency situations. Associated with full or partial output of the power supply system. The light can be cut out without warning, the shutdown period is unlimited. The power supply will be turned on after the elimination of the accident.
- Natural disasters, emergency situations. Houses can also be de-energized without warning. The light should turn on after the disaster ends.
- Faulty wiring. If the power supply is unsatisfactory, the consumer has the right to turn off the electricity. The decision is made by Rostekhnadzor or the housing inspection. The consumer must be notified.
Problems with the machine. Corks can be cut in case of the wrong device.
- Short circuit. It can close both the wiring section and some device.
- Overload. If you use several powerful household appliances on the same line or exceed the permissible norm, the light will go out and the electricity will periodically disappear.
Replacing a network company also causes a blackout. The old supplier is no longer required to supply electricity to the house, and it may disappear.
Action algorithm
If the light was cut off in the apartment, the first thing to check is whether the neighbors have electricity. In the absence of electricity in one apartment should look for a problem. To do this, you need to provide yourself with a source of lighting - it can be a flashlight, a candle, matches.
Next, you need to carefully inspect the devices included in the network. If the appliance has a burning smell or burnt parts are visible, it must be carefully disconnected from the power supply with one hand, without touching the exposed parts of the wires. All powerful household appliances should also be turned off.
There are cases in which you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to call an electrician:
- the appearance of sparks from the outlet, shield;
- the smell of burnt plastic from the wiring;
- receiving a message about a planned outage.

For the first two reasons, the lights can go out due to problems with the wiring. This problem must be fixed only by a professional, it is forbidden to repair the wiring independently. In the latter case, the shutdown is planned, and residents will be warned that the lighting will be turned off for a certain period.
When the light disappears in the apartment, the machines can be turned on or off. If any machine is disabled, it is not recommended to activate it immediately. You must first carefully inspect the insulation - it should be without damage or darkening. All manipulations should be carried out with one hand - the second does not touch anything. Corks can be knocked out because of a household appliance (for example, because of an old iron). Then the device must be turned off from the outlet. Only after these actions is it allowed to turn on the machine. If the light in the apartment turns off, but the machines are turned on, you need to call the wizard.
It is worth looking at the electricity meter. On new devices, the red LED will turn on and off; on older models, rattling is heard. If there is no sound or flashing, no electricity is supplied.
If after turning on the circuit breakers the electricity did not appear, you need to call an electrician.
Where to go
If there is no light in the whole house, you need to find out if someone from the neighbors called the emergency service or the Housing Office. If so, you should wait for a decision from the appropriate services and power supply. Otherwise, you must call the management company or emergency service yourself. The number is on the receipt.
The owner must know the following numbers:
- Emergency dispatching service of a management company. The number is indicated on the receipt.
- Number of city dispatch service.
- Rescue service number. He is one - 112.
- Energosbyt dispatch service number.
These contacts will help if the apartment has lost electricity.
Outage for non-payment
Power may be turned off for utility bills. The procedure is prescribed by law and has no right to be violated. If the light went out without following the procedure, you can go to court.
The shutdown procedure is as follows:
- The owner has debts on accounts in excess of two months of payment.
- The service provider (management company, housing office) notifies the owner of the debts in an appropriate manner. The notice is handed personally to the owner.
- After notification within 20 days, the owner closes the debts.
- If the debt is not paid, after 20 days another notification is sent.
- If, after the second notification, the debt is not repaid within three days, a new notification may be sent again, or the supply of electricity to the apartment immediately stops, depending on the decision of the service provider.
Electricity is supplied by sealing the corresponding meters. Representatives of the management company come with the master and perform the sealing of the meter and turn off. Recovery occurs only after the full payment of debts for utility bills and notification of the relevant service. Usually, the connection is carried out within a day after making the payment.