When buying modern circuit breakers, you need to know that they can not be repaired, since they are made in a molded case, the parts are not interchangeable. Buying new electrical devices is not difficult - they are sold in any hardware store and their cost is very affordable.
How does a circuit breaker work
Before finding out the main reasons why circuit breakers fail, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the device and the principle of operation of the unit. The machine includes several electromagnetic disconnectors, thermal disconnectors and power contacts.
The feature of the thermal disconnector is reduced to a slow response when the rated current is exceeded. An electromagnetic device trips in fractions of a second when an overcurrent or short circuit occurs.
Main problems
The structure of the design includes a small number of parts. Owners of circuit breakers are faced with three main types of breakdowns:
- knocks out;
- not cocked;
- does not turn off.
If the machine is knocked out regularly, this may indicate a sharp disappearance of voltage, or when you turn on a powerful household appliance, one of the circuits is disconnected from the supply line. The machine may also not turn on for the following reasons:
- Wires burned out from the machine or simply melted.
- The lever does not cock for the reason that it is jammed.
- When cocking the lever, it immediately drops down, the voltage does not appear at all or appears for a short period of time.
All of these malfunctions require an immediate solution, otherwise the likelihood of fire increases.
The device knocks out for no apparent reason
Regularly, the machine may turn off due to power surges or as a result of incorrect operation of the thermal disconnector. The first problem will be eliminated only by a voltage regulator mounted at the input to the machine, but this requires large financial costs. The cause of the trip by the thermal disconnector becomes a long, but insignificant deviation in the value of the rated current.
As a rule, this does not indicate a breakdown of the electrical device, but about its improper use. For example, if the machine bursts, buzzes or smells unpleasant - it is overloaded. Also, the cause may be the opening of the contacts.
To fix the problem, you can try to check the tightness of the wire and, if necessary, get it to clean the contacts from carbon deposits and oxides, then tighten it again. Without preliminary disassembly of the machine, the problem cannot be solved. If it is not possible to carry out the procedure, it is better to purchase a new device.
Load triggering
If the machine does not behave correctly when you turn on a specific household or lighting device, the problem lies in the device itself or in the wire leading to the source of the problem. Short circuit occurs as a result of violation of the integrity of the insulating layer of the cable.
To solve the problem, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, replace the main cable of the line with a temporary one. If this helps, you will have to completely check the wiring around the house and upgrade or replace it.
The machine does not turn on
If a person tries to raise the lever, and he automatically lowers down again, this may indicate the presence of short circuit or mechanical wear of the working units of the unit. You can verify this quite simply - you should ring the supply phase to zero with an indicator screwdriver or an ohmmeter. To solve the problem, the insulation layer is restored or the cable is replaced; if there is no short circuit, a complete replacement of the equipment will be required.
Jammed lever
There is a problem when you simply cannot move the lever from the low position. There is one explanation for this - the contact drive mechanism has jammed. A problem may arise as a result of disconnecting the device under load or splashes jammed the movable contact, a strong arc has formed. As a rule, to solve the problem, you need to install a new machine.
When short circuit does not turn off the machine
There are two most common reasons why there is no reaction to KZ:
- The electromagnetic disconnector mechanism is jammed or malfunctioning.
- Contacts are stuck as a result of overheating and the formation of arcs when opened.
To fix the problem, you need to mount a new machine.
Reasons for knocking out a machine

There are 5 main reasons for which an automatic machine is knocked out in an apartment, and it does not turn on:
- A short circuit has occurred in the electrical wiring.
- Overload of the electric line.
- Faulty lighting fixtures or one of them.
- Breakdown of the circuit breaker.
- Incorrect operation of one of the electrical appliances.
Machine defect
The probability that a device with defects was purchased and installed is negligible, especially if preference was given to branded models. The only effective way to check the operation of the machine, install a new one in its place. If the new device also knocks out, the reason lies in a completely different way.
Like other electrical devices, the circuit breaker has its own operational life. Depreciation of components leads to reduced performance and poor performance.
Defective Home Appliances
The reason for knocking out the machine may also be household appliances. You can verify this in the following ways:
- Unplug all connected household appliances from outlets.
- If the machine has not been knocked out, gradually it is necessary to connect one electrical device each.
- As soon as the machine turns off, it will be clear which of the devices is faulty.
If some household appliances are connected directly, for example, dishwashers or air conditioners, they can only be de-energized in the switchboard.
Incorrect lighting
There are situations when the machine knocks out with the inclusion of a lighting device. This indicates a malfunction of the chandelier.
- Short in the lamp base. Unscrew all the lights and alternately connect.
- Poor contact between the wiring inside the chandelier and the supply conductor.
With the rapidly growing popularity of LED lamps, the problem of knocking out machines is becoming a common one. This is due to the presence of a transformer designed to operate on 12 volts. To solve the problem, you need to install a new lighting device or purchase another transformer.
Defects in wiring
If the reason is in the wiring, there may be two problems:
- Wear of insulating material in the conductor.
- Bad contacts.
The first case is more complicated in comparison with the second. As a rule, it applies to a short circuit. It is impossible to find a short circuit site without special equipment. In the latter case, it is enough to disassemble the socket and clean the contacts.
How to extend the life of a circuit breaker
To extend the life of a circuit breaker, you need to be guided by two simple tips:
- Do not turn off a device that is under load.
- Do not overload the protected line with a current higher than the rated one.
When current flows through the contacts and they are about to be disconnected, an arc forms. As a result, the operational period of the equipment is reduced, the contacts quickly fail and are charred.
Circuit Breaker Test
You can verify the operation of the circuit breaker yourself without the use of special equipment. To do this, adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- To completely disconnect the shield in the apartment, office, country house, etc.
- Switch off the circuit breaker.
- Proceed to adjust the lever of the machine. Turning it on and off should be accompanied by a characteristic click.
If no sounds come out, the device is faulty and requires replacement. If sound is heard, it is necessary to measure the resistance level at the terminals between the switches. When turned on, the value should be close to zero, and when turned off, on the contrary, to infinity.
A circuit breaker is an extremely convenient and functional electrical component that makes the use of electricity safer. It is recommended to purchase them in specialized stores where only certified and original products are sold.