Heading "Power Supply"
Technical parameters and scope of heat-resistant wire RKGM
Technical parameters and scope of heat-resistant wire RKGM
RKGM wire: decoding of marking, features, standards and device. Design features of heat-resistant wire RKGM: core insulation and sheath. Where is the RKGM wire and its main varieties used.
How to choose the right LED lamp for home use
How to choose the right LED lamp for home use
Which LED lamps are better to choose for the home: rating, types, pros and cons. Criteria for choosing LED bulbs for home use: brightness, power, reliability, manufacturer. Characteristics of LED lamps for the home.
Connection scheme for spotlights on the ceiling
Connection scheme for spotlights on the ceiling
Connection of spotlights: installation of a transformer. How to connect spotlights to a single or double-key switch. How to connect spotlights in parallel or in series.
How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb through a switch
How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb through a switch
Connection diagram of a motion sensor with a switch to a light bulb: installation options. How to connect a motion sensor through a switch to a light bulb. Features of installing a motion sensor for lighting with a switch.
LED Daylight Tubes - Dimensions
LED Daylight Tubes - Dimensions
T8 LED lamp: varieties, features, connection, pros and cons. How to choose LED tube lamps: analogues. Which T8 illuminator is better - fluorescent or LED. Replacing T8 fluorescent lamps with LED ones.
Technical characteristics and scope of the PUNP wire
Technical characteristics and scope of the PUNP wire
PUNP wire: decoding of the marking, reasons for the ban and load currents. PUNP wire construction elements. How to choose the PUNP cable. Disadvantages and advantages of PUNP wires. How to correctly calculate the cross-section of the PUNP wire.
How to make a 220V LED lamp itself - manufacturing scheme
How to make a 220V LED lamp itself - manufacturing scheme
DIY 220V LED lamp: step-by-step instructions, advantages and disadvantages. Materials and tools for a homemade LED lamp. What to make a housing for an LED bulb.
Decoding markings and varieties of LED bulbs
Decoding markings and varieties of LED bulbs
LED lamps: what is it, the difference from energy-saving, energy consumption. Advantages and disadvantages of LED bulbs over other types. Calculation of energy savings when using LED lamps.
How to find out the verification interval of an electricity meter
How to find out the verification interval of an electricity meter
Intertesting interval of electric meters: single-phase and three-phase meters. What is the verification interval for electricity meters. How the expiration date differs from the inter-verification and warranty period.
What to do if the electric meter winds a lot of electricity
What to do if the electric meter winds a lot of electricity
Why the electricity meter shakes a lot: reasons and their elimination. How to understand that the electric meter began to wind a lot of electricity. How to detect an oversized electricity meter in an apartment.
Varieties and calculation of three-phase circuit breakers
Varieties and calculation of three-phase circuit breakers
Three-phase machine: selection for power and load, connection in a single-phase network. Can a three-phase machine be used as a single-phase. How to choose a circuit breaker for 380V power. Four-pole three-phase differential circuit breaker.


