Heading "Power Supply"
How to connect a walk-through light switch - installation diagram
How to connect a walk-through light switch - installation diagram
Connecting circuit-breaker connection diagram: safety measures and installation errors. Features of installing a single-button pass-through light switch from two places. Circuit breaker circuit breaker.
Wiring diagram for two-gang switch with 2 places
Wiring diagram for two-gang switch with 2 places
Two-gang switch through passage: features of connection from two places. How to connect a two-gang switch through passage. Design features of a 2-key pass-through switch.
Advantages and disadvantages of serial and parallel connection of conductors
Advantages and disadvantages of serial and parallel connection of conductors
Wiring in series: examples for home wiring. In which cases is it necessary to use a parallel connection. Laws of serial and parallel connection of conductors.
Checking the LEDs with a multimeter for operability
Checking the LEDs with a multimeter for operability
How to check the LED with a multimeter: LED lamp and tape, SMD. Testing LEDs in dialing mode. Checking light emitting diodes in flashlights. LED test sequence.
How are sockets and switches indicated on electrical circuits
How are sockets and switches indicated on electrical circuits
Designation of the socket on the diagram according to GOST: open and closed installation, waterproof. As the circuit breakers are indicated, the circuit: blocks with a socket. Designation of single-key and two-key switches in the diagrams.
Programmable electronic timers with on and off delay
Programmable electronic timers with on and off delay
Programmable time relay: wiring diagram, operating principle and device functions. Advantages and disadvantages of programmable timers. Design features of electronic timers with delayed on.
Explanation of the marking and scope of the VVG cable
Explanation of the marking and scope of the VVG cable
VVG wire: technical characteristics, multiwire, design and types. An example of decoding of the marking of the VVG cable. Features of operation of electric cables VVG. VVG wire service life.
How to choose the three-phase voltage regulator for the home
How to choose the three-phase voltage regulator for the home
Three-phase voltage stabilizer: principle of operation, design and scope of use. Advantages and disadvantages of three-phase voltage regulators for 380V. Criteria for choosing a stabilizer for 3 phases for home use.
Schemes of energy-saving lamps and their most common malfunctions
Schemes of energy-saving lamps and their most common malfunctions
The scheme of an energy-saving lamp for 220V of different power: device and circuit features. Component circuits of energy-saving lamps. How to repair an energy-saving light bulb using an electrical circuit.
Methods and schemes for connecting LED strip without power supply
Methods and schemes for connecting LED strip without power supply
How to connect the LED strip to 220v with your own hands: through the switch. Features of connecting LED strip to the mains without a power supply or transformer. Scheme of connecting a color RGB tape to the mains.
The device and types of light switches for the apartment
The device and types of light switches for the apartment
Light switch: types according to the methods of switching and installation. The principle of operation and design features of electric light switches. How to choose the light switch in the apartment, depending on the functionality.


