Heading "Power Supply"
Purpose and methods for switching bypass in voltage regulators
Purpose and methods for switching bypass in voltage regulators
What is bypass in a voltage regulator: wiring diagram and varieties. Scheme of external single-phase and three-phase bypass to the voltage regulator. Reasons for using bypass. Using bypass in practice
What voltage stabilizer to choose for an apartment and a private house
What voltage stabilizer to choose for an apartment and a private house
Which voltage regulator is better: relay or electromechanical. Criteria for choosing a voltage stabilizer for the home. Rating voltage stabilizer 220V for home. Criteria for choosing a voltage stabilizer.
Grounding and protective electrical safety measures in PUE
Grounding and protective electrical safety measures in PUE
PUE grounding and protective electrical safety measures: terms and definitions. General requirements for protection against direct and indirect contact. Grounding devices and conductors. Scope of grounding according to PUE.
How to find current leakage in an apartment and in a private house
How to find current leakage in an apartment and in a private house
Current leakage: protection, danger, signs, causes and remedies. What is a leakage current. How to independently detect a leakage of current in the apartment. Consequences of current leaks for household appliances.
How to connect a single-phase electric meter Mercury 201
How to connect a single-phase electric meter Mercury 201
Mercury 201 meter connection diagram: design features and installation methods. Connection of wiring to the meter Mercury 201 through the machine. Basic requirements for installing meters Mercury 201.
DIY LED lighting in the apartment
DIY LED lighting in the apartment
LED lighting: options for different rooms, ceiling, ideas in the interior. Pros and cons of LED backlighting. How to choose the right LED strip for lighting. Features of planning LED ceiling lighting in the apartment.
What to do with power surges in the apartment and house
What to do with power surges in the apartment and house
Power surge: causes, fixation, consequences and methods of protection. How to recover damage from power surges. How to deal with power surges in an apartment or private house.
Calculation and procedure for measuring the phase zero loop
Calculation and procedure for measuring the phase zero loop
Loop phase zero: what it is and why it should be checked. PUE verification requirements for phase zero loop. How often do you need to check the loop of the phase-zero circuit. How to measure the short circuit current of a loop phase zero.
Varieties and characteristics of LED lights
Varieties and characteristics of LED lights
LED Downlight: Ceiling, linear, overhead and recessed. How to choose a LED lamp for home lighting. What parameters should be considered when buying an LED lamp.
How to determine the quality of electricity - norms and parameters of assessment
How to determine the quality of electricity - norms and parameters of assessment
Electricity quality: who can check tolerances. What affects the quality of electrical energy. What are the consequences of the deviation of the electricians from the normative parameters for household electrical appliances.
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What are the lighting lamps for an apartment - classification and characteristics
Types of lighting lamps: marking, a brief overview, the pros and cons of various types. What kind of light lamps are best suited for lighting residential premises in the house. What characteristics should be considered when choosing lamps for the home.


