Heading "Power Supply"
Connection diagram of a 3-phase voltage monitoring relay for a home
Connection diagram of a 3-phase voltage monitoring relay for a home
Three-phase voltage relay: varieties and specifications. Connection diagram and installation of a voltage relay in a three-phase shield. Features of the device 3-phase voltage monitoring relay and scope.
How to use a heat shrink tube for wires
How to use a heat shrink tube for wires
Heat shrinkage for wires: what it is, types, characteristics and marking. Advantages and disadvantages of heat shrink tubes for insulation or wire connection. How to choose a shrink tube for cables.
How to change the electricity meter in an apartment and a private house
How to change the electricity meter in an apartment and a private house
Electric meter replacement: rules and procedure, reasons for replacement and documents. Who should replace the calculated electric meters. Is it possible to independently change the electricity meter in the apartment.
Electrical nuts for connecting wires - purpose and types
Electrical nuts for connecting wires - purpose and types
Electric nut: description and methods of using a wire clip. Features and design of electrical connecting nuts. How to use the nut clamp for electrical installation.
The device and types of presence sensors to turn on the light
The device and types of presence sensors to turn on the light
Presence sensor: what is the difference from a motion sensor. Scope of presence sensors to turn on the light. The principle of operation and design of presence sensors. Is it possible to make a presence sensor to turn on the light with your own hands.
How to make a motion sensor at home
How to make a motion sensor at home
DIY motion sensor: circuit diagram of an infrared sensor. Advantages and disadvantages of home-made motion sensors. How to make a laser motion sensor at home. Necessary tools and materials.
How to do it yourself in the kitchen
How to do it yourself in the kitchen
Wiring diagram in the kitchen: the choice of the machine and the wire cross-section, built-in appliances. How to install open wiring in the kitchen. How to choose the parameters of the electric cable for kitchen appliances.
How to make a lamp on your own LEDs at home
How to make a lamp on your own LEDs at home
DIY LED lamp: 220V circuit, ceiling, chandelier. Where can I use homemade decorative LED lamps. Problems of self-made LED lighting for the home.
Types of LED lamp bases - threaded and pin
Types of LED lamp bases - threaded and pin
LED lamp G9, E14 and E27: high power, for street lighting. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of socles of LED lamps. Rare varieties of socles of LED bulbs. How to choose the right base.
The concept and methods of measuring luminous flux
The concept and methods of measuring luminous flux
Luminous flux of LED lamps: measurement, utilization and power. Why it is necessary to measure the luminous flux for LED lamps. Luminous flux units. How to determine the luminous flux of a lamp.
The principle of operation and the scope of light guide lighting
The principle of operation and the scope of light guide lighting
Light guides for lighting: what is it, making it yourself at home. The use of optical fibers to organize lighting of a private house Advantages and disadvantages of solar fiber optic lighting.


