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Heading "Power Supply"

Varieties of circuit breakers
Circuit breaker release: what is it, rated current. Thermal and electromagnetic releases of circuit breakers: technical specifications. How to connect the release to the machine.

Principle of operation and circuit of the current relay
Current relay: purpose and methods of connection, advantages and disadvantages. Design features of current relays. Technical characteristics of various types of current relays. Classification by the method of action and methods of execution.

Principle of operation and circuit of a three-phase bridge rectifier
Three-phase rectifier: comparison with single-phase and current rectification schemes. Advantages and disadvantages of three-phase rectifier bridges. How does a three-phase half-wave rectifier work? Classification of three-phase rectifiers.

Resanta Automatic Voltage Regulators for Home
Resanta voltage stabilizer: three-phase, wiring diagram, faults and repairs. Varieties of Resant voltage stabilizers. Criteria for choosing a Resant voltage stabilizer for a private house or cottage.

What is called a voltage drop in a circuit
Voltage drop: under load, calculation procedure and determination methods. What can cause a voltage drop in the area of the electrical circuit. The main causes of voltage drop in electrical networks.

Purpose and connection diagram of an intermediate relay 220V on a DIN rail
Intermediate relay: principle of operation, scope and technical parameters. How to connect an electromagnetic intermediate relay. Why is it necessary to use an intermediate relay in electrical circuits.

How to connect single core and stranded copper wire
Connection of multicore wires: with single-core, interconnected, soft and hard. Description of methods for connecting stranded wires to each other. What are the features of connecting single-core and stranded wires.

The order and technology of installation of fixtures of all types
Installation of fixtures: replacement, quantity calculation, built-in and wall. How to prepare for the installation of fixtures in the room: wiring diagrams and tools. Features of installation and connection of built-in lamps.

Which electricity meter is better to put in an apartment and a private house
Electricity meter: single-phase, electronic, selection criteria and rating. Classification of electricity meters for home use. Advantages and disadvantages of single-tariff and multi-tariff electricity meters.

Rocker circuit breaker: principle of operation and design
Flip switch: what is it and its purpose. As a rocker switch can be used to power the house. Advantages and disadvantages of cross over switches.

How and how to strip electrical wires from insulation
Wire stripping: tool, thin wires, quickly remove insulation. Nippers for removal of isolation from wires. How to remove insulation from electrical wires with improvised means. Possible problems when stripping wires.