Heading "Power Supply"
What is an electric switch - purpose and types
What is an electric switch - purpose and types
Circuit breaker: three-phase, rotary, differences from the disconnector and the principle of operation. Options for executing electric circuit breakers. How to make an electric switch with your own hands. Scopes of knife switches.
Electric current measurement with a multimeter
Electric current measurement with a multimeter
How to measure the current strength with a multimeter: constant, variable, in a socket. Principles of measuring current strength. Useful tips for connecting and using a multimeter to measure various electrical parameters.
Voltage stabilizer circuits - varieties and device
Voltage stabilizer circuits - varieties and device
Voltage stabilizer circuit: microcircuit, pulse, integrated and simple. The principle of operation of a voltage stabilizer. How to calculate the characteristics for different types of voltage stabilizers. Schemes for self-manufacturing.
How are the common house electricity costs in an apartment building
How are the common house electricity costs in an apartment building
ONE for electricity: standards, negative and accrual procedures. How to reduce house-wide electricity costs in an apartment building. How profitable with or without a counter. How to challenge the overcharging for ONE electricity.
Connection diagram and types of test boxes
Connection diagram and types of test boxes
Test box: transitional for electric meters, installation of a box. Purpose and design features of test junction boxes. Options for connecting test boxes with current transformers.
How to properly install an RCD in the switchboard: before the machine or after
How to properly install an RCD in the switchboard: before the machine or after
RCD before or after the machine: installation procedure, norms and rules for PUE. Do I need to install a machine in front of an RCD? Common RCD connection schemes with circuit breaker. How to connect an RCD to a group of machines.
Technical characteristics and connection diagram of Neva electric meters
Technical characteristics and connection diagram of Neva electric meters
Neva electric meter: description, two-tariff, single and three-phase, taking readings. What is the best way to install the Neva electric meter. Service life and inter-calibration integral of Neva electric meters. Varieties of counters.
The device and principle of operation of vacuum circuit breakers
The device and principle of operation of vacuum circuit breakers
Vacuum circuit breaker: advantages and disadvantages, types and design. Varieties of vacuum circuit breakers. Features of the application and operation of the vacuum circuit breaker. Monitoring and control of vacuum circuit breakers.
What letter and color denotes zero and phase in an electrician
What letter and color denotes zero and phase in an electrician
L and N in electrics: what do these letters mean, what letter means grounding. How phase and zero are indicated in the socket and switch. Color marking of two-wire and three-wire wires.
Do-it-yourself wiring in a private house - step by step description
Do-it-yourself wiring in a private house - step by step description
Do-it-yourself electrician in a private house: self-installation of electrical wiring. Which wires and cables are best to choose for wiring in the house. What type of grounding loop to choose for a private house.
The device and principle of operation of a single-phase transformer
The device and principle of operation of a single-phase transformer
Single-phase transformer: calculation of parameters, purpose and operating modes. Types of designs of single-phase transformers. Features of the operation of single-phase transformers. How does a single-phase transformer work?


