Heading "Power Supply"
What is the norm of electric energy consumption?
What is the norm of electric energy consumption?
Electricity consumption standard: calculation, without a meter and for a private house. Why is a norm for electric energy consumption necessary? Calculation of regulatory electricity consumption. Average monthly electricity consumption.
How to connect a Legrand switch through passage
How to connect a Legrand switch through passage
Legrand passage switch: single-key, two-key, wiring diagram. How to connect the Legrand switch through passage from two places. Advantages of passage switches and installation features.
Principle of operation and technical characteristics of reed sensors
Principle of operation and technical characteristics of reed sensors
Reed switch: what it is, purpose and scope, variety. Advantages and disadvantages of reed switches on the door. Features of the use of reed sensors in security systems.
Selection Criteria and Specifications for Wireless Calls
Selection Criteria and Specifications for Wireless Calls
Wireless call to the door to an apartment or private house: anti-vandal and street. What are the advantages of a wireless call over a wired one. The scheme and principle of operation of wireless calls. How to choose a video peephole for a wireless call.
Why does it crack and spark when you turn on the light
Why does it crack and spark when you turn on the light
Cracking in the light switch when turned on: common causes and repair procedure. Can the light switch crack due to improper installation. How to eliminate sparking in the light switch.
What is a limit switch - device and principle of operation
What is a limit switch - device and principle of operation
Limit switch: on the sliding wardrobe, on the door, on the gate, control circuit. Classification of limit switches according to the principle of operation. Where limit microswitches are used. How to connect a gate valve electric drive.
The device and principle of operation of electric current contactors
The device and principle of operation of electric current contactors
Electromagnetic contactors: AC and DC, wiring diagram. Marking and varieties of semiconductor contactors. Terms of use and installation of electromagnetic contactors.
How to connect a three-phase meter in a shield in a private house
How to connect a three-phase meter in a shield in a private house
Connection scheme for a three-phase meter: in a single-phase network and new rules. Semi-indirect connection of a three-phase meter. Practical advice on how to connect a three-phase electricity meter. Connection via a transformer.
Design and specifications of electrical connection blocks
Design and specifications of electrical connection blocks
Electric block: distribution, contact, varieties according to the material of the case and the method of fastening the conductor. Basic requirements for the installation of electrical blocks. Pros and cons of connecting electrical blocks.
Design and operation features of lighting panels
Design and operation features of lighting panels
Lighting guards: for controlling outdoor lighting, classification and placement. Why it is necessary to install shields for lighting. Complete set of emergency lighting shield and shield for portable lighting devices.
How to make a project for connecting electricians to a private house
How to make a project for connecting electricians to a private house
Electricity project for a private house: standard, requirements, for a cottage. Do you need a project to connect electricity to a private house. Is it possible to make a project for conducting electricians in a private house with your own hands.


