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How to change the wiring in the apartment with your own hands
Replacing wiring in the apartment: one-bedroom apartment, timing of replacement and sequence of actions. Is it possible to change the wiring in the apartment in stages. Do I need to change the wiring after flooding the apartment. Who should change the wiring in the apartment.

How to make a wiring project in an apartment
Apartment electricity supply project: in which cases it is necessary to produce. What data do you need to know to draw up a wiring project in an apartment. Features of the preparation of electricity supply projects for one and three bedroom apartments.

The concept of an electrical circuit and its components
Electric circuit: circuit, circuit, calculation, branched and linear circuits. What is called an electrical circuit. What are the parts of an electric circuit. Parallel and serial electrical circuits.

How to properly supply electricity to a private house
Entering electricity into the house: underground, from a pole, an input device and a choice of wire. Section of an input cable to a private house. What SIP cable is needed for wiring from a pole to a house. Rules for entering electricity into a private house.

Types and sizes of cable channels for electrical wires
Cable channels for electrical wiring: flexible, shapes, materials and classification. The scope of cable channels for laying electricity in the apartment. Ways to use cable channels for laying open wiring.

Purpose and features of installation of boxes for electrical wiring
Box for wires: plastic, metal, connecting and decorative. How to choose the electrical box for laying wires in the apartment. Sizes of boxes for electric cables.

Types and functions of lighting for the bathroom mirror
Illumination for a mirror in the bathroom: how to choose the right lighting fixture or built-in illumination. How to connect a mirror with backlight in the bathroom. Lamp in the bathroom above the mirror with a switch.

The concept and principle of protective grounding
Protective grounding: differences from the worker, purpose, circuit and device. What is called protective grounding. Requirements for household protective grounding for an apartment or house. Schematic diagram of protective grounding.

Features of apartment electrical panels - assembly and connection diagram
Electrical panel in the apartment: installation procedure, for 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. How to assemble the switchboard for electrical wiring in the apartment. The choice of modular equipment for the apartment electrical panel.

What are the terms of operation of electric meters in the apartment
The life of the electric meter: when you need to change the electric meter in the apartment. What is the difference between the shelf life of the meter and the life of the meter. Period of use of the counter. Regulatory documents on the life of the meters.

Remote light control: wiring diagram and principle of operation
Radio light switch: design and range of the remote control. How to organize remote control of light in the apartment. Advantages and disadvantages of wireless lighting switches with a remote control.