Heading "Power Supply"
How to completely turn off the electricity in the apartment
How to completely turn off the electricity in the apartment
How to turn off the light in the apartment: in the dashboard, entrance, when you need to turn it off. Security measures when turning off the electricity in the apartment. What does it mean to turn off the electricity in the apartment. How to find the right machine.
How to increase the allowed power consumption of electricity
How to increase the allowed power consumption of electricity
Increase in electric power in a private house up to 30 kW: procedure and documents. Why you may need to increase the power supply of a private house. Ways to increase the allowed power of electricity.
Electrical wire connectors - types and methods
Electrical wire connectors - types and methods
Wire connector: copper, screw and threaded connectors, splicing. What is the best way to connect electrical wires for durability and reliability. How to connect wires of different sections to each other correctly.
Description and types of electricity meters Mercury
Description and types of electricity meters Mercury
Electricity meter Mercury: fields of application, advantages and disadvantages. The history of the production of electricity meters Mercury. Design and varieties of electricity meters. Criteria for choosing an electric meter.
How to connect a single-phase electricity meter - scheme
How to connect a single-phase electricity meter - scheme
Electric meter connection diagram: in a private house or apartment, an old meter. How to check the correct connection of a single-phase electricity meter. Features of connecting old electricity meters.
How to assemble a switchboard for electrical wiring in an apartment and a private house
How to assemble a switchboard for electrical wiring in an apartment and a private house
Assembly of electrical panels: do it yourself, the rules for installing and laying wires. Installation diagram of the distribution panel for a private house. What are the components of an electric panel in an apartment. The location of the wires in the shield.
Relative graphic and letter designations of relays on electrical diagrams
Relative graphic and letter designations of relays on electrical diagrams
Designation of the relay in the diagram: according to GOST, relay contacts, intermediate and current relays. How electromagnetic relays are indicated on electrical circuits. Letter designations in thermal relays and time relays in electrical circuits.
Designations on light switches - L and L1
Designations on light switches - L and L1
L on the switch: meaning, other letters and colors. What designations must be known for the correct connection of one- and two-key light switches. Description of common signs.
The device and installation features of power limiters
The device and installation features of power limiters
Power limiter: single and three phase, purpose and variety. Design and principle of operation of power limiters. Wiring diagrams and setting up a power limiter for a single-phase network.
Does the LED lamp heat up during operation
Does the LED lamp heat up during operation
Do LED lamps for a home get warm: design features and reasons for heating. To what temperature the LED lamp can warm up during operation and what consequences there may be from this. Is it possible to avoid heating the LED lamp.
Varieties and features of electric cables
Varieties and features of electric cables
Electric cable: decoding of marking, purpose, pros and cons. Power cable design: cores, insulation component. Types of cables for electricians in an apartment or private house.


