The cost of electricity increases every year, which is why most citizens are actively interested in possible ways to save. One of the most effective and at the same time simple ways to achieve a reduction in electricity charges is to install a three-tariff electricity meter.
What is a multi-tariff system?
Electricity in any home is consumed unevenly throughout the day. In the morning and evening, the indicator reaches a peak, as industrial and residential buildings at this time begin to actively use various devices and equipment. At the same time, powerful plants create increased loads, while at night, on the contrary, a significant decrease in consumption and output is recorded, because all plants are idling.
In order to motivate citizens to more even consumption, a special multi-tariff system was introduced in which the cost of electricity consumed varies depending on when it is used. In a three-tariff electricity meter, the time of tariffs is divided into three categories: peak, day and night. The maximum cost in this case is provided specifically for peak time.
What is the difference between counters
The standard single-rate meter provides for the metering of consumed electricity in accordance with the amount used by the devices. Such equipment reads only the total volume, without adjusting the speed of the “wrapping” in any way, depending on additional factors.
The design of two-tariff and three-tariff devices provides for the accounting of consumed kilowatts, depending on when they are used by the consumer. Thus, including the equipment in the daytime, night and peak time at the same time, a person will see different speeds of the equipment.
At the same time, such counters are more complex in design and have a higher cost. They are recommended to be installed only if the house really consumes a lot of electricity: powerful equipment such as air conditioners, electric heat sources, boilers and other household appliances are installed. The more such devices in the house, the faster the three-tariff meter will pay for itself.
Two-tariff devices have a simpler operation, but at the same time provide their owner with fewer opportunities for savings, as they have only two available consumption options - day and night. Three-tariff meters use specialized software.
The main difference between three-tariff accounting is taking into account peak periods of time:
- 7:00-10:00
- 20:00-23:00
At peak times, equipment increases the cost of electricity by about one and a half times, and at night decreases by several times. Therefore, when installing such a counter, you should use powerful equipment mainly at night, which is especially convenient if the equipment is equipped with special timers.
Advantages and disadvantages of three-tariff meters
The advantages of switching to a multi-tariff electricity metering system are obvious:
- Significant savings on the cost of electricity due to competent consumption at the right time, as well as in the presence of a large number of powerful appliances in the house.
- Energy companies are interested in using multi-tariff meters and periodically even help consumers with their installation, providing material support.
- Consumption results are recorded in the device’s memory and remain there for the entire period of its operation. Even if the user accidentally loses a receipt, this will not be a serious problem for him.
However, the installation of three-tariff meters has some disadvantages:
- Not always people can use the equipment they need at night.
- Using equipment at night is not always justified.
- Peak time was chosen for a reason, because it is during this period that people most often need electricity.
- Tariffs are determined by the energy company and may change at any time. It is important to keep track of all these adjustments. If in the end the company completely abandons the use of multi-tariff metering, the installation of such equipment will become meaningless.
It is worth weighing all the pros and cons before making the final decision on installing a three-tariff meter, so that in the end it really turns out to be a noticeable savings for the owner.
Which counter to choose
It is impossible to say unequivocally which option will be preferable in a particular situation, since all types of meters have their advantages and disadvantages, suitable for specific operating conditions.
The three-tariff device allows for savings due to the presence of a peak zone and daytime in it. Their use is extremely beneficial for people working at home at night, as well as enterprises that can engage in their activities at this time. For families with children, this choice is not recommended.
In any case, the two-tariff meter provides a person with a benefit, since the maximum allowable cost of a kilowatt in it corresponds to the usual tariff.
Installation Instructions

It is necessary to draw up a detailed calculation, which will take into account the amount of electricity consumed in the house and its structure. It is necessary to understand what proportion of electricity consumed by the devices at a certain time.
For example, a washing machine can be programmed for night use, and heating in the absence of a centralized connection is necessary almost round the clock, especially in the morning and evening.
If, according to the calculation results, it became clear that the installation of a three-tariff meter will lead to real benefits, proceed as follows:
- Find out if the house uses a three-phase power supply network.
- Make an application to the territorial unit of the energy supply service at the place of residence, in which you indicate your desire to replace the meter, as well as specify the address, payment method and contact phone number.
- Make an agreement on the use of individual payment for services, as well as on the installation of a multi-tariff meter in the house.
- Wait for specialists who come to the facility and install all the necessary equipment.
- Pay the invoice for the work performed.
The purchase of an electric meter should be carried out before an agreement is signed with the energy supply service on the transition to an individual payment system for services. After the entry of the new tariffs into force, the meter will be installed together with all necessary seals, which, in accordance with applicable law, can only be removed by an authorized representative of the company supplying electricity.