Track lights are designed to create accent light. They look like small spotlights. Actively used in trading floors, cafes, museums, workplaces, in apartments. Installation of track lights on the busbar is simple, it can be done independently.
Purpose and benefits
Track-type luminaires are located on the busbar. A group of lighting devices located on one bus is assembled into a general wiring diagram using electrical modules and calipers. Electromechanical calipers are available in various forms - straight, cross-shaped, flexible, U-shaped, L-shaped, rectangular.
Busbars are of the following types:
- single phase;
- two-phase;
- three phase.
The number of phases determines how many groups of light sources can be connected independently of each other.
Busbars can be made of various materials. These include steel, plastic, aluminum.
The system consists of the following parts:
- track;
- lamp;
- conductive element;
- transformer;
- connecting components;
- clamps.
The number of fixtures may vary depending on the needs of the user.
The benefits include:
- ease of connecting the busbar;
- minimalistic design;
- compactness;
- the ability to change the direction of lighting by 360 degrees;
- do not require special care;
- long service life;
- safety;
- lack of heating;
- silent work;
- different mounting methods;
- the ability to quickly replace and install elsewhere;
- it is possible to connect lamps of different types and power;
- connection to independent electrical groups.
Track lighting has one drawback - it's the cost.
Use of track lights
Track light sources are actively used in various fields. Due to the ability to adjust the light, they are installed in stores, in shop windows, in offices, exhibition halls, museums, advertising sites. Track lights are also applicable at home. Usually track systems are made in the style of techno and hi-tech, so not every design they can fit into.
Busbar luminaires play the role of both primary and accent lighting. It all depends on the lamps used.
In production and in warehouses technical lamps are used. They have high requirements for strength, moisture and dust.
On the streets, building facades, floodlights are used to illuminate the monuments. They should give a bright light and be resistant to weather conditions.
Device mount
There are two types of fastening - suspended and laid on. Track lights are mounted on all types of ceilings (stretch, drywall) using chains or cables. Also, the system can be connected to the ceiling for lighting from the inside.
Overhead products are mounted on walls and cabinets. You can connect the track system after finishing work with your own hands.
Choice of fixtures per track
Track lights are also called spots and spotlights on the bus. By the type of lamp used, they distinguish spots, linear, anti-panic and emergency devices. The choice depends on the purpose of the light source.
To highlight an object or interior element, sources with directional lighting are used - spots.They give a small angle of dispersion, due to which they are used in highlighting works of art.
For general lighting, scattered light is used. To create a backlight, devices with a wide scattering angle are needed. Several types of luminaires can be used simultaneously on one bus.
Choice of lamps for track lights
By the type of lamps used, halogen, fluorescent, metal halide and LED devices are distinguished.
Halogen are the cheapest bulbs for track systems. They are used in shopping centers. The light is close to warm sunny. The service life is about 8 thousand hours. Halogen bulbs consume a lot of energy.
More reliable and durable are luminescent sources. They economically consume electricity, have high efficiency, a wide range of color temperature and a long service life. The disadvantage is that the flask contains mercury vapors that are dangerous to human health.
For even and bright lighting metal halide lamps are used. They are installed in museums, at exhibitions, in stores. In apartments, they are practically not used due to the powerful light flux. The disadvantage is a long time of heating and turning on.
Active transition to LED lamps. They are distinguished by quality, reliability, economical energy consumption, uniform and bright light, long service life. LEDs are more expensive than other bulbs.
When choosing LEDs for a track system, the following recommendations should be observed:
- It is undesirable to buy appliances with a group of LED dots. This indicates a low quality product.
- The presence of one bright yellow dot indicates that a new generation of diode lamps is being used. These products are characterized by increased power and are able to replace 50 W metal halide bulbs.
- It is recommended to purchase models in which the LED is covered with tertiary optics. This allows you to make the distribution of light more uniform.
- Metal halide
- Luminescent
- Halogen
To choose the right track lighting systems for the home, it is recommended to pay attention to the following aspects:
- busbar type - the maximum allowable number of lamps depends on it;
- lamp type and cap;
- number of phases;
- the material of which the busbar is made;
- color temperature of the bulb;
- operating voltage;
- material reliability;
- protection against moisture and dust;
- design.
Also pay attention to the device manufacturer. It is not recommended to take lamps from little-known companies, it is better to give preference to proven companies.
Installation of track light sources
Installation of a track light is simple:
- creating a layout of fixtures;
- power outage in the room;
- assembly of all parts of the track with each other on the floor (for complex overhead and suspended structures) or directly on the wall or ceiling (overhead models);
- fixing the frame to the ceiling or wall using cables or brackets;
- wiring to the busbar;
- wire connection by color;
- insulation of bare sections of wires;
- power supply installation;
- regulation of the direction of the lamps.
After completing the described steps, you can connect electricity and test the system.
Interior Solutions
Track lights are a good option for designing a kitchen with a breakfast bar. The system is selected on cables from several lamps. Such a solution allows you to visually increase the height of the kitchen and emphasize its interior. Light bulbs do not blind eyes and illuminate the entire rack.
To create coziness in the living room, small ceiling lights of bright colors are used. They can be arranged over the entire area of the room. Then the whole room will be evenly lit. Using the rotary mechanism of the lamp, you can always turn it in the right direction and change the backlight intensity.
Track systems are actively used in small studios. They will help to zone the room.
In the corridors, track systems are installed along the walls. They can highlight mirrors and paintings.
Popular models
Track systems are manufactured by various companies - Citilux, Globo Lighting, Odeon Light and others.
The Australian brand Globo Lighting produces high-quality budget products and is one of the five best manufacturers of lighting equipment. Among the popular models, one can distinguish Baroni 56946-1, Globo Kirogi 56453-1H, Globo 54904-6.
Citilux has been manufacturing lighting equipment since 1994. Lighting devices of this manufacturer are used in residential premises, office and work buildings. The products are characterized by high reliability, stylish design, simplicity of design, increased power. Popular models are the CL561165 Citilux Accent and the CL561141 Citilux Accent with 50 Watts.
The Italian manufacturer Odeon Light offers a wide range of lighting products. In the catalog, any buyer will find a product that suits his needs. Lamps are of high quality, stylish appearance and simplicity of design. The most popular models include the 2075/6 ODL Odeon Light Medeo, 2066 / 5C ODL Odeon Light Terza.