Heading "Gas Supply"
Methods for processing manure into biogas at home
Methods for processing manure into biogas at home
Gas from manure: general information and conditions for the formation of gas from raw materials, production technology and scheme of a biogas plant. Getting at home and the benefits of using.
What pipes are used for domestic gas pipelines
What pipes are used for domestic gas pipelines
Gas pipe: types of gas pipelines and choice, the main standards for a private house and apartment. Laying options and requirements, security zone and restrictions.
Description of control pressure testing of gas pipelines in an apartment building
Description of control pressure testing of gas pipelines in an apartment building
Pressure testing of a gas pipeline: compulsory and preparatory work, norms and rules of conduct. The objects and the algorithm of work in an apartment building, the results and basic safety provisions when starting gas into the system.
Maintenance of gas equipment
Maintenance of gas equipment
Maintenance of gas equipment: the need to conclude an agreement and a list of work performed, the rules for choosing a company and the rights and obligations of the parties, service.
Features of the overhead gas pipeline
Features of the overhead gas pipeline
Elevated gas pipeline: general rules of the device, stages of transit laying and factors affecting the installation method. Distances and intersections, a list of prohibitions on the security zone and procedures for completing work.
Ways to properly connect a gas column
Ways to properly connect a gas column
Geyser connection: installation requirements and necessary devices for operation, location selection and installation and piping instructions. Switching on, checking operation and frequent installation errors.
Basic rules for the safe operation of gas equipment
Basic rules for the safe operation of gas equipment
Household gas usage rules: basic laws and knowledge about traction and carbon monoxide. Prohibited actions, first safety measures in an emergency and instruction on the use of gas equipment.
Rules for the operation of domestic gas equipment
Rules for the operation of domestic gas equipment
Intra-home gas equipment: definition and arrangement, responsibility for the condition and list of maintenance work. The frequency of inspections and terms of operation.
Rules for checking gas meters in private houses and apartments
Rules for checking gas meters in private houses and apartments
Calibration of a gas meter: a variety of instruments and the frequency of their use, goals and procedures. Accounting for gas at the time of withdrawal and possible fines, the implementation of actions without removal.
Terms of service and operation of gas pipelines
Terms of service and operation of gas pipelines
Gas pipeline service life: commissioning and factors affecting the condition of pipes, maintenance and repair work. Calculation of the degree of wear and extension of operating time.
Rules for trimming a gas pipe in an apartment
Rules for trimming a gas pipe in an apartment
How to cut a gas pipe: the need for the procedure and the preparatory stage, the requirements for shortening the pipes. Equipment and methods, rules and stages of installation.


