For pumping contaminated liquid, two types of pumps are used - drainage and fecal. The difference between these units is that the drainage plants are capable of pumping clarified water with small inclusions of sand, silt, garbage, and the fecal pumping equipment is designed for viscous thick liquid, which must be crushed and delivered to the storage tank. A fecal pump with a grinder for cesspools is a necessary element of autonomous sewage, without which stable operation of the system is not possible.
Purpose of fecal pumps with a grinder
The need for a fecal pump arises when the owner is faced with the problem of cleaning the cesspool, because large debris, food products, and human waste get into it. There is a way - shake the mixture in the septic tank, pump it out, then pour water again and pump it out again. But this is too time-consuming process, in addition, unpleasant. The sediment at the bottom of the septic tank tends to compress. To cope with solid contents, only a chopper on fecal equipment is capable of.
If sludge collects at the bottom of the storm sump, the drain pump may seize up, since it is a very thick liquid and must be crushed during pumping. There is no grinding function in the drainage units.
Principle of operation
The fecal pump with a grinder for the toilet works according to the following scheme:
- The liquid is sucked into the working chamber.
- The cutting mechanism is located at the inlet, that is, waste enters the pipe already crushed to small particles.
- The flow picks up speed and flows under pressure into pipes through which it is discharged to the outside.
When buying the unit, you need to pay attention to the marking. Depending on the presence of certain letters, what waste and what size the device is able to skip:
- if the abbreviation contains only numbers, the equipment can pump and grind waste up to 5 mm in diameter;
- if the letter "f" is present, the device grinds and pumps long fractions - rags, garbage - with a diameter of up to 35 mm;
- if there is a letter “n”, the unit is able to work in an aggressive liquid for a long time, all its parts are made of appropriate materials.
Similar designs are installed on sewage machines, which are called to release autonomous septic tanks.
Device device
A distinctive feature of fecal pumps are wide sleeves that can let garbage pass up to 5–7 cm in diameter.
The design inside is somewhat more complicated than conventional pumping equipment. Its components:
- rotor;
- stator;
- housing;
- working shaft;
- suction nozzle depending on the model;
- Working wheel;
- an oil chamber for cooling the unit if it is not submersible;
- small storage tank;
- in some models, a float to control the liquid level, which, if necessary, turns off the device.
There are various modifications that are used in home sewers. If you connect a fecal pump that will forcefully transport the effluents to the septic tank, there is no need to consider the slope of the pipes when laying them. The unit is capable of moving masses both in a vertical position and in a horizontal one.
The equipment works from the mains, therefore it is desirable that there are no voltage drops.For this, stabilizers are installed, which contributes to a long service life without the need for repair.
Types of Fecal Pumps
A certain classification of fecal pumps does not exist, since in each specific situation it is necessary to select units based on such parameters:
- performance;
- working hours;
- temperature conditions, as some models are able to work at high temperatures, while others are not suitable for this;
- design features - with or without a grinder.
By design, fecal pumps are:
- submersible;
- semi-submersible;
- superficial.
- Submersible
- Semi-submersible pump
- Surface
Submersible models are designed for permanent residence in an aggressive environment, so the most durable materials are used for their production - stainless steel, cast iron, shockproof plastic. Submersible fecal pump with a grinder for giving produces less noise, as it is in the liquid layer. They may have a chopper, but there are models without it.
In semi-submersible structures, the working unit is located in the upper layer of drains. This resembles a float, the lower part of which absorbs liquid and thus raises it to the surface. Materials for the manufacture of aluminum or plastic. Models are less durable and subject to mechanical damage. When working, they make noise.
Surface devices do not come into contact with waste - they enter the surface through a hose or pipe. In terms of power, the pumps are much weaker than the two previous models and can pump waste no deeper than 15 m. They are purchased in cases where you need to change the location of the device. For example, to periodically empty a cesspool, clean a home pond or pump out water from the basement after spring floods. For stationary installation, it is necessary to prepare a separate room with thermal insulation so that the device does not freeze in winter. Also, the device makes a lot of noise, so the room is also soundproofed. Surface pumps are not equipped with a grinder, therefore, they are not suitable for pumping cesspools with large particles, rags and garbage.
Criterias of choice
In the process of choosing a device for domestic needs, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the brand of the product, but also the presence of symbols in the abbreviation so that the equipment meets all the requirements.
- Power. If the septic tank is deep, surface models will not cope with the rise to such a height.
- The presence of knives. For drains from a home or outdoor toilet, equipment without a grinding function is not suitable.
- Operating mode at high temperatures. Such units are mainly bought for industrial enterprises. At home, high temperatures are not expected.
- Marking. Based on the size of large particles that will have to be crushed and pumped, the device should indicate that it is designed for such work.
The type of construction is taken into account when it is planned to use the model only stationary or for moving. The most powerful and enduring equipment is considered to be submersible fecal pumps with a grinder, but they are always used stationary. To disassemble and move such a device is quite problematic.
The duration of work is determined by the amount of time that the device will pump the effluents. This parameter is important if you plan to dispose of waste pits daily. Constant work is carried out on domestic livestock farms, where every day a certain amount of waste is collected to be disposed of.
Carrying out the necessary calculations
All devices are designed for 220 V power supply, but it is necessary to calculate that it will be necessary to make grounding for your own safety, as well as connect a stabilizer, which will also require financial expenses.
The first parameter that is taken into account when selecting equipment is the depth of the septic tank. For a summer cottage, 500 W is enough, which will allow pumping about 150 l / min. For a private house you will have to buy a more powerful model. If the depth is from 5 to 8 meters, a 1100 W pump is suitable. The volume of drains of 650 liters is pumped by such a device per minute.
The height of the water column for viscous fluids differs from water pumps, where 1 meter vertically corresponds to 10 meters horizontally. Here the ratio is ¼ meters, that is, 1 meter of the vertical is 4 meters horizontally.
It is not recommended to save and buy submersible models made of plastic. Steel is more reliable and will last longer.
Mounting Features
If you plan to use a fecal pump only depending on the season, it makes no sense to buy expensive models and install them permanently. Another thing is if he will work constantly in a private house. You can install it in two ways:
- At the bottom, a concrete platform is made on which the body of the product is fixed. It is problematic to get such a structure, since it will be necessary to call plumbers divers if repairs are needed.
- It is much more practical to install the pump so that it can be removed if necessary independently. Usually a sturdy nylon cord or chain is attached to lift the pump from a depth. The disadvantage of this method is that corrugated pipes are used, which often have to be changed due to contamination. Cleaning them is extremely unpleasant.
Sometimes it is necessary to pump out waste from the general septic tank, but it is located in a place where the sewage machine cannot drive, so an intermediate pit is equipped, into which waste is pumped and then the machine is ordered with a regular hose. This is cheaper than looking for a long-life wastewater pump, the call of which costs half the cost of a mid-price fecal pump.
Operation and maintenance
In order to repair equipment less often, it must be correctly selected and not used in situations for which it is not intended. You can not put a fecal pump without a grinder in a cesspool, the particle diameter of which is more than 35 mm. The pump cannot stand and burn.
In the presence of voltage drops, any units fail faster, so it is better to organize the supply of electricity so that the voltage is constant.
It is better to call professionals to repair the pumps, as they can correctly determine the cause of the breakdown and give recommendations for further operation.
Advantages and disadvantages of fecal pumps with a grinder
The advantages of the models are determined by its design and working conditions. Submersible models are able to lift the liquid from great depths, in the presence of a control float they work in the automatic mode, additional cooling is not required, since the device is in the sewage layer and does not overheat, does not make noise. There are practically no drawbacks if expensive equipment made of durable materials is bought.
Advantages of semi-submersible models:
- low cost;
- repairs are cheaper;
- no need for waterproofing.
Disadvantages - a small depth, the inability to pump large particles, as there is no way to install a chopper.
The disadvantage of surface fecal pumps is cavitation: if the depth is greater than that indicated in the instructions, air enters the liquid and the motor stops or burns, so they are used only for shallow septic tanks. Also surface equipment is bulky and noisy. The advantage is mobility, the ability to use for all household needs.
Rating and prices
The prices of fecal pumps for pumping sewage in a private house depend on the power and height of the liquid, as well as on the material from which the device is made. Semi-submersible and surface units are cheaper.The most expensive are immersion structures of foreign production.
The most expensive stainless steel and cast iron appliances. Shockproof plastic is cheaper. The scope can be different - the more versatile the equipment, the more expensive it is. If, for example, there is a hot water bath in the house, you will have to buy an expensive fecal pump with a grinder for hot water. Such a device can work with liquids, the temperature of which reaches 90 degrees.
The most popular models are pumps of German, Italian manufacturers - Pedrollo, Calpeda, Grundfos. The equipment has been working without repair for about 10 years, there are service centers throughout the country where you can buy spare parts or invite a master for maintenance.