Any, even well-conceived sewer system is periodically clogged. In the kitchen, most often fat accumulates in pipes, hair in the bathroom, and something large can be thrown into the toilet by mistake, which will block the flow of water. For such cases, there are several simple methods that allow you not to call the plumbing, but to cope on your own.
The main causes of sewage blockages
Operational plaque inside is collected gradually, leading to difficult flow of water. In the kitchen, this is grease, leftover food and powder detergents. The temperature of the water is not enough for these substances to dissolve and go into the sump. Most often, hair is collected in the bathroom. In stock from the washing machine - pile and wool.
Mechanical blockages occur suddenly. This may be a loose toilet paper in the toilet, or a piece of solid material that has fallen into the pipe. More often than not, residents know what they threw into the sewers. There have been times when plumbers removed used diapers or clothes from a pipe.
The most difficult are technical blockages. They are caused by improper installation of the sewage system or its damage during operation, for example, when the foundation shrinks. In such cases, it is better to carry out repairs, since blockages will occur regularly and this will entail constant financial costs.
Clog localization
Before starting work, specialists try to accurately determine the localization of the cork, to find out what it consists of in order to communicate information to residents. Determining the clogging location allows you to better choose a tool or method for cleaning the pipe - chemical or mechanical.
First, check the places in which the appearance of blockage is most likely:
- Points where the internal sewage system goes into the external. In a newly built house, soil shrinkage is possible and concrete structures deform the plastic pipe, which reduces its productivity.
- Sites located close to the drain - siphons, knees. Solid heavy particles usually settle in such places and block the drain.
- The plot, which is located before the tie-in to the common highway. Blockages occur 50-60 cm before the joint.
Professional plumbers determine the clogging site using a cable with a small camera at the end. The device is especially useful if the plug is far away in the pipes.
You can independently determine the place in which the water does not pass, you can turn on the water. If the overflow starts immediately or after 2 - 4 seconds, then the cork is located in the upper part of the sewage system, immediately after the siphon or in it. In this case, an unpleasant odor will be heard, since the siphon is clogged and does not fulfill its function.
If for some time the water comes off normally, and then the overflow begins, then the cork is located further. To eliminate clogging in the sewer at home, you will need a plumbing cable.
Methods for cleaning sewer pipes at home
Methods for cleaning sewer pipes are selected after the location of the cork and its composition is determined. In some cases, the help of professional craftsmen with special equipment may be required. If the blockage is small, you can eliminate it with the help of folk or purchased funds. Pipe material is taken into account. For example, cast iron has a rough surface inside, so the adhesion of the clay layer will occur more often.In plastic lines, the surface is smooth, blockages occur less frequently, provided that the system is properly designed.
The chemical industry produces several drugs that help break through sewers at home. They are convenient to use, but require compliance with safety regulations. Concentrated liquid or powdery substances have an acid base, therefore they can cause damage to the skin or respiratory tract.
The most famous:
- "Mole". To use the drug, you need to cut off the tip of the bag and pour the contents into the hole in the sink, then add a glass of water and wait a while. It is noticed that cold water dissolves granules poorly, and they boil into a large lump. Better pour hot liquid. Then you need to wash off the remnants of the dissolved cork with boiling water. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Given the concentration of acid, "Mole" is recommended for use with metal or plastic pipes. The substance may damage the plastic, making it rough inside.
- Tiret is a cleaning product that comes in the form of a gel. It can be used in any pipes. The disadvantage of the drug is an uneconomical expense. Sometimes it is necessary to pour a whole container to achieve the effect. Moreover, “Tiret” does not apply to cheap means.
- "Mr. Muscle" is a more expensive analogue of the "Mole". Available in granules. The manufacturer claims that the powder penetrates effectively through the water layer, affecting the blockage, but according to housewives, you need to remove all dirty water from the sink, if possible, and only then fill the granules.
After applying the above means, it is necessary to rinse the sewer with hot water in order to wash off the remaining fat.
Mechanical means include:
- plunger;
- cable.
The first device helps if clogging has occurred recently. The principle of work is to pull out what fell into the sewer. To do this, fill the sink or bath with water. It is advisable to create a complete vacuum in the system by closing the drain holes of other plumbing devices with covers. As the plunger pumps the debris to the surface, it is collected and discarded. After removing the blockage, you can use chemicals to make sure, then rinse with clean hot water.
A plumbing cable is used in cases where the cork is in an inaccessible place or a large object that has got into the sewer. The plunger cannot cope with such a blockage. The task of the master is to push the plug into the wider pipe with a cable or hook it and pull it out. If at the end there is something like a brush, then the cable is scrolled with the handle and remove blockage layer by layer.
- Plunger
- Electromechanical device
- Plumbing cable
The hydrodynamic installation is designed to remove persistent blockages. The principle of operation - with the help of high-pressure water pressure, the blockage is broken into small particles and goes into the sewer. Pure water without chemical additives is used.
Depending on the type of sewage system - a private house, an apartment, an industrial facility - they regulate the pressure. The hydrodynamic installation does not violate the tightness of the pipes, so the method is safe.
To restore the sewer functions, it may be necessary to work in an open area where it is impossible to connect to the power supply network. The installation works autonomously, so there are no problems.
You can work with all types of pipes, with any diameter - from 35 to 350 mm. Cleaning is carried out in difficult conditions, as well as at subzero temperatures. No dirt and dust when working with the device.
You can use any nozzle - rotating in a circle and removing layers of pollution, punching. Water jets are directed along and against the movement.
You don’t need to specifically buy a device for hydrodynamic cleaning of your sewage system.This is an expensive device that is designed for professional use. Permanent blockages rarely occur, so once a few years it’s cheaper to call a specialized team to conduct preventive cleaning of all pipes.
Folk remedies
The most popular method is soda and vinegar. If obstruction occurs, water is removed from the sink, a glass of soda is poured into the hole and a glass of vinegar is poured. When the foam begins to rise, you need to close the hole with a lid and leave for a couple of hours. Next, the stock is washed with boiling water. If the water leaves poorly, the procedure is repeated.
Soda with salt is a universal remedy that is also suitable for eliminating blockages in the sink. The components are mixed in equal amounts and poured into the hole. Top up with some water to bring the mixture to the blockage. For the next 10 to 12 hours nothing can be poured into the sink. After a while, the drains are washed with hot water until the water begins to form a vortex upon going into the pipe.
To clean the sewer folk remedies for fat can be soda with boiling water. The powder is mixed with water and poured into the hole or dry soda is poured and poured with hot water. Such a method will not eliminate persistent blockage, but is suitable for regular prophylaxis.
How to choose a method
At home, the method is selected on an increasing basis: if folk remedies did not help, use chemical; if chemistry does not help, call the plumbers with the equipment.
If young children accidentally threw a large object into the toilet bowl, it is better to immediately call the professionals until a blockage has formed in the depths of the sewers, and it was not necessary to disassemble the system. The same is best done if the plug suddenly occurs and the causes of blockage are unknown. It is quite possible to break through the sewage system, which can be determined by lowering a cable with a camera into the pipe.
Preventative measures
To extend the uptime of the sewer system, it is recommended:
- install grease traps under the kitchen drain;
- put a hair collection grid in the bathroom;
- regularly use vinegar to eliminate plaque inside the pipes;
- do not throw large objects and food waste into the toilet;
Once a month, it is recommended to pour liquid chemicals into the drain to prevent blockages.