Category "Sewerage"
How to place a septic tank on a site: rules and regulations
How to place a septic tank on a site: rules and regulations
Each owner of a private house faced with the problem of disposal of sewage. The times when people used a street toilet are a thing of the past. New sewage disposal systems are replacing. About one of which you ...
Choose a toilet for a cottage without a cesspool
Choose a toilet for a cottage without a cesspool
One of the most important buildings in any residential or partially residential area is the toilet. The best choice for a summer residence is a toilet without a cesspool. This design has several important advantages compared to ...
How to remove the blockage in the sewer pipe yourself
How to remove the blockage in the sewer pipe yourself
A blockage in the sewer pipe is a household problem that often causes plumbing failures. This can only be avoided if the pipes are cleaned in a timely manner, and not necessarily with the help of a wizard. Now there are many independent ways ...
How to dig and strengthen a drainage ditch
How to dig and strengthen a drainage ditch
The drainage ditch is designed to prevent waterlogging of the site and flooding of the foundations of buildings. Equip around the site, or linearly throughout. Discharges rain, melt and groundwater into a natural or artificial receiver.
What to do if water does not leave the cesspool
What to do if water does not leave the cesspool
Some owners of private houses, making it difficult to equip a septic tank, are limited to digging a hole and draining its bottom. Water goes into the ground, and all substances settle to the bottom. When the pit stops working properly, they dig a new one ....
Drain from sewer pipes: efficiently and economically
Drain from sewer pipes: efficiently and economically
The weather is unpredictable. Long rains or heavy snowfalls are common in many regions. Streams of moisture rush down the roof. Uncontrolled water can bring big trouble. Puddles on the plot and damp walls of buildings can ...
Why there is an unpleasant smell of sewage in the bathroom
Why there is an unpleasant smell of sewage in the bathroom
The atmosphere in the home is very important for a person's comfortable living. Air fresheners, constant cleaning, disinfection and regular ventilation are not able to help get rid of the annoying smell of sewer pipes. If he appeared in the house, ...
How to choose plastic pipes for sewage: PVC or LDPE
How to choose plastic pipes for sewage: PVC or LDPE
The obvious advantages of polymers lead to an ever-increasing proportion of plastic pipes in sewage systems. What materials are used in their production and how to make the right choice? Where are plastic sewer pipes used?
Drain pipe for sewage as a guarantee of clean air in the house
Drain pipe for sewage as a guarantee of clean air in the house
In a country house where there is no centralized sewage system, a septic tank is equipped to collect sewage and consumed water. In order that under the influence of vacuum the water in the system and in the siphons is not absorbed into the tank, ...
Features of the breakdown of fat in sewer pipes and pits
Features of the breakdown of fat in sewer pipes and pits
Each person, regardless of whether he is a resident of a multi-story building or the owner of a private home, at least once in his life, has faced a similar problem: a blockage in the sink, water does not leave or leaves, ...
What characteristics to look for when choosing and buying a pump for a cesspool
What characteristics to look for when choosing and buying a pump for a cesspool
Pumps for septic tanks and cesspools pump sewage with solid impurities. They can be submersible, semi-submersible and surface. The former are more powerful and productive.When choosing a model, you need to calculate the required power, pressure, take into account the characteristics of the drains.


