Category "Sewerage"
How to choose a submersible pump for a well, their advantages and disadvantages
How to choose a submersible pump for a well, their advantages and disadvantages
To start using submersible pumping equipment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conditions of its use, the scope of application and the types of equipment itself. Basically, such equipment is used to supply water from wells and mine wells ....
Pollutant discharge standards
Pollutant discharge standards
The standards for the discharge of pollutants into the sewers are strictly regulated by the state. Wastewater discharge rules are prescribed in SanPiN The composition of the discharged liquid is pre-checked for the content of impurities and pathogenic bacteria.
Wiring pipes in the bathroom and toilet: methods, schemes, materials
Wiring pipes in the bathroom and toilet: methods, schemes, materials
Each time, starting repairs, we think about labor costs, materials and work performers. If the repair of a living room can be done by many of us, then the question is how to change the pipes in the bathroom and toilet ...
Drain pit: raising from simple to complex
Drain pit: raising from simple to complex
The need to create a treatment plant such as a drain pit arises quite often, this is due to the lack of access to the sewage system. There are many varieties and methods of installing drain pits. Drain pit at ...
Schemes of the construction of country toilets and their construction
Schemes of the construction of country toilets and their construction
A summer residence is a place for people to relax from the bustle of the city, and the territory where they are engaged in gardening or gardening. But not always on such a plot there is a large house with all amenities. Dacha -...
Cleaning system of a country house: general recommendations
Cleaning system of a country house: general recommendations
A kitchen sink, a bathtub, a shower cubicle, a toilet - all this fully provides comfort for living in a house outside the city, but at the same time requires the organization of reliable and effective cleaning and disposal of sewage ...
Where to go when the smell of sewage in the apartment
Where to go when the smell of sewage in the apartment
To get rid of the smell of sewage in the apartment, you need to find out the cause and location of the problem. If a system breakdown or blockage is found within the home, you should take measures to repair or clean the pipes yourself. If it is a riser or common pipeline in the basement, you should call an employee of the management company.
How to build a cesspool of rings
How to build a cesspool of rings
The construction of a cesspool of concrete rings is hard work requiring the use of special equipment. First you need to determine the installation location, guided by the requirements of SanPin, and calculate the optimal volume of the tank. It should also provide access for the cesspool truck.
Can the drainage pump be used as a fecal pump
Can the drainage pump be used as a fecal pump
The main difference between a drainage pump and a fecal one is the temperature and composition of the pumped liquid. Fecal pumps are able to pump out drains with various hard or soft inclusions, grinding them with built-in knives. Drainage pumps are used for pumping relatively clean water.
The main types of wastewater pollutants
The main types of wastewater pollutants
Sewage drains by origin are divided into domestic, rain and industrial. By the concentration of harmful impurities: slightly, medium, heavily contaminated and dangerous. Based on these indicators, further research and a method for cleaning the liquid for subsequent discharge or reuse are determined.
Materials used for the manufacture of sewer couplings
Materials used for the manufacture of sewer couplings
Sewer couplings are designed to connect pipes in a socketless way without the use of welding. Connection methods can be with a threaded joint, with a sealing ring or on glue. Materials of manufacture are metals and polymers.


