Category "Sewerage"
Features of installing a receiving funnel of storm sewers on the roof
Features of installing a receiving funnel of storm sewers on the roof
Funnels for storm sewers are used for timely removal of water from roofs. Designs have several varieties that differ in specific applications and materials.
Design features of sewage treatment plants
Design features of sewage treatment plants
Types of sewage treatment facilities: mechanical, biological, oxygen, electrochemical, disinfecting. The equipment is intended for wastewater treatment to standard indicators, allowing them to be dumped into water bodies and sewers without harm to the environment.
gutter system selection
gutter system selection
The choice of the drainage system depends on the region and the average annual rainfall, the size and shape of the building, its architecture and style. For a small country house in the middle lane, a plastic construction is suitable. For massive buildings with an expensive and durable roof, it is better to choose metal products.
Grand Line Gutter System Overview
Grand Line Gutter System Overview
Russian-made Grand Line plastic and metal gutter systems are suitable for use in any region of the country. Their trough part is a quarter deeper than European counterparts, due to this the throughput is much higher.
Rules for installing gutters for water drainage on the ground
Rules for installing gutters for water drainage on the ground
Gutters for water drainage on the ground prevent flooding of buildings and the destruction of the roadway. The material and dimensions of storm sewers must be selected depending on the location and the load applied. Plastic rainfall is suitable for personal plots; cast-iron gutters are needed along the motorway.
Advantages of a plastic cover for a sewer well
Advantages of a plastic cover for a sewer well
The cover for the sewer well must be selected taking into account its location and the load. For the suburban area, plastic products are suitable. For transport highways, cast-iron and concrete floors are used.
Sewage pump with grinder for the kitchen: the principle of operation, how to choose and installation steps
Sewage pump with grinder for the kitchen: the principle of operation, how to choose and installation steps
Sewage pump for the kitchen forcibly drains wastewater from plumbing and household appliances by creating excessive pressure. The device is necessary if the sewer pipes have a small diameter, it is impossible to organize a sufficient slope or when installing plumbing below the sewer outlet level.
Designing a sewer without a septic tank
Designing a sewer without a septic tank
Sewage without pumping and odor or septic tank - a waste disposal system that does not require regular cleaning of the cesspool. Once every 2-4 years, dry sludge must be cleaned from the walls of the chambers. Processed by bacteria and filtered water goes into the ground without harming the environment.
Stages of drilling drainage wells
Stages of drilling drainage wells
A drainage well is used to remove moisture from the site, preventing the destruction of the foundation. The device can be horizontal, vertical, combined or cumulative - it all depends on the characteristics of the soil, location of the site, climate.
Features of the repair of the drainage system at various facilities
Features of the repair of the drainage system at various facilities
Repair of drainpipes is necessary in case of violation of the integrity of the system, corrosion damage, overflow of the drain with water. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the foundation and walls will be washed away, which will lead to dampness in the room and the spread of fungus.
Technical characteristics of sewage pumps Sololift
Technical characteristics of sewage pumps Sololift
The characteristics of the Sololift sewage pump depend on the specific model. The manufacturer produces a line of 5 devices that differ in power, tank volume, throughput, the ability to connect additional nodes, and the presence of additional options.


