The normal functioning of sewer networks does not imply the presence of specific odors in the room. If this happens all the time, you need to put an aerator. In other words, the device is called a ventilation valve for sewage. With its help, it is possible to compensate for the pressure drops in the engineering network.
What is an air valve for sewage and its scope
Aerator (air / fan valve) is a small circular device. Mounted on a sewer pipe in an upright position. It is important not to confuse the fixture with a check valve, which prevents the return of water flow in the system.
Most often, the air valve is used:
- In unventilated sewer highways.
- On horizontal sections of the collector with a large length (public toilets with a high risk of salvo discharge).
- In cases where the plumbing is too far from the common riser and provided that the slope of the main is higher than the level of the hydraulic lock.
- In multi-storey engineering networks to optimize the work of the collector.
Additionally, small aerators are installed separately on sinks or showers / bathtubs. This method is used if there is a risk of drawing the liquid out of the water seal with excessive water consumption.
The device and principle of operation
Fan valves for sewage are structurally composed of the following elements:
- The body is polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride. Has a side hole / cut.
- Stem (or rubber membrane). It is the main part of the device. Promotes opening / closing of the side aerator hole.
- A dense rubberized gasket, ensuring the tightness of the aeration device in the closed position.
- Top cover.
The aerator works according to this principle:
- With volley discharge of sewage into the sewer in the network, rarefied pressure rises sharply. As a rule, this happens when draining the toilet water, etc. In this case, the liquid takes a lot of air with it. As a result, moisture from hydraulic locks and plumbing knees is also absorbed into the main, opening up access to unpleasant odors from the collector to the apartment / house.
- With increasing pressure, the fan valve opens its side hole, aligning the atmospheric indicators in the system. Thanks to this principle of operation of the sewer aerator, all the liquid in the hydraulic locks / plumbing elbows remains in place. Ambra do not penetrate the room.
Ignoring the stench in the apartment in the absence of an aerator is dangerous to health. Sewer odors are a mixture of methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Together, they seriously undermine the work of the human body.
Types of air valves and their sizes
The following types of fan valves are available on the market:
- Simple air (kinetic). It works to release air from the system. It can be mounted indoors.
- Auto. Removes air masses that are under very high pressure from the line.
- Combined. It can simultaneously supply and remove air masses to / from the highway. Such aerators are not allowed to be installed inside the house. They put combined-type devices only outside the building in a specially equipped unit.
- Combined
- Kinetic
- Auto
Fan valves are available in a standard section of 50 or 110 mm.The first are designed for installation on a sink or shower. The second - for mounting on a pipe of a common riser. However, you can find aerators with a section of 75 or 100 mm.
By the method of installing the air valve, distinguish between external and internal. The first is inserted into the bell and fixed with corrugated rubber. The second is simply worn on the tee connector.
If the pipes in the house have a non-standard diameter, the installation of the air valve can be carried out using adapters.
Recommendations for choosing an aerator
When buying a vacuum valve for sewage should be guided by such criteria:
- size - diameter of the device, which must coincide with the cross-section of the pipe;
- installation method - open or closed;
- the presence of a membrane or rod in the locking mechanism;
- connection method - horizontal / vertical;
- the presence of the insulating wall of the riser;
- nominal pressure ratings for a specific device;
- material of which the aerator is made - it must be of the same type as the pipeline.
According to GOST, the vacuum valve can withstand up to 800,000 duty cycles.
Installation steps
Polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride air drain valves are easy to install. The device is installed in a specially prepared bell. The aerator at the lower end has a rubber seal for this. You just need to put the fan valve on the existing horizontal / vertical opening.
If it is not initially there, you need to install an adapter under the aerator. They act here according to the scheme as follows:
- Cover the water to a house or apartment.
- On a piece of sewer / water pipeline, remove a piece and mount the adapter under the fan valve.
- Install the aerator in the bell. It is first cleaned of dust, treated with alcohol, and then coated with silicone sealant.
There are also a number of strict rules for installing an air sewer valve:
- Installation of the device is carried out in a room or a specially equipped roofing unit under a roof, the temperature in which never drops below 0 degrees. Frost violates the functional ability of the aerator.
- Installation of the air valve on the network without a drain ladder is carried out at a height of 10 cm from the uppermost outlet. If there is a ladder, the aerator is placed 35 cm from the floor.
- With a hidden device of the sewer collector in the box at the level of the fan fixture, an inspection hatch is made.
- It is advisable to leave free access to the installed equipment in case of a checkup or repair work.
The aerator is more often installed in country cottages and private houses. If the master wants to mount the device in the apartment, you need to get special permission for this.
Operational Features
The installed device requires constant monitoring. During operation, you need to monitor the operation of the rod. It or the membrane is prone to sticking in any of the positions.
If the aerator sticks in the “closed” position, this threatens to disrupt the water seal. If the device sticks in the “open” position, sewer gases will enter the room. In any case, the edges of the stem or membrane must be treated to eliminate the cause of fixation and allow the aerator to close / open the stem freely.
Properly installed in the apartment or on the roof, the aerator completely replaces the fan pipe.
Fixture cost
In the market, the price of fan valves varies depending on the diameter, brand, and type of device. Aerator with a cross section of 50 mm will cost from 38 to 175 rubles / pc. An air valve of 110 mm will cost from 90 to 1150 rubles / pc.
Devices from three popular manufacturers are represented on the market - Germany (Ostendorf), Scotland (McAlpine) and Russia (Politek). All three types of aerators are characterized by increased reliability, but have different prices for one section.
Advantages and disadvantages
A device correctly mounted on a sewer pipe gives the homeowner a number of advantages:
- Normalization of pressure in the manifold line, elimination of failure of the hydraulic seal.
- The lack of stench from the sewer in the house.
- Savings of the master. The aerator fully replaces the fan pipe, the installation of which would take more money.
- Simple and intuitive installation of the device, which even a master novice can handle.
- Increased sewage efficiency, especially if the house has 3 or more plumbing points.
With a mounted aerator, heat loss is much less than with a full ventilation pipe. In addition, the master has great freedom in designing a collector without reference to a common riser, if he installs a fan valve.