Section "Air conditioning apartments"
All about air conditioners in the apartment with an overview of popular brands, schemes and types
All about air conditioners in the apartment with an overview of popular brands, schemes and types
We help to determine the conditioners for the apartment: types of devices, selection of power and indoor unit, installation rules and locations, review and comparison of models.
Places for installing a split system in an apartment and stages of its installation
Places for installing a split system in an apartment and stages of its installation
We install the air conditioner in the apartment with our own hands: we select the places for installation, we check the tools and materials, we study the rules and stages of work.
How to install air conditioning in the apartment and room
How to install air conditioning in the apartment and room
We study the correct location and installation of air conditioners in rooms and apartments: one-room, Khrushchev, rulers, vests, corner installation.
Which air conditioning is better to choose for an apartment and a house: ratings, reviews
Which air conditioning is better to choose for an apartment and a house: ratings, reviews
We help you choose the best air conditioning for your home and apartment: we compare brands, brands, prices and performance of air conditioning systems.
What to do if the neighboring air conditioning interferes
What to do if the neighboring air conditioning interferes
We analyze what to do if the air conditioner interferes with the neighbors: we are looking for the source of the problem, the cause of the air conditioning noise.
Where to put air conditioning in the apartment
Where to put air conditioning in the apartment
We will tell you where it is best to install air conditioning in the apartment, at what price it will cost if you order the installation, as well as tricks during installation.
Choose an air conditioner for an apartment by capacity, brand, reviews
Choose an air conditioner for an apartment by capacity, brand, reviews
We will tell you which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment and what criteria and parameters should pay special attention to.
Air conditioning systems and projects in the apartment
Air conditioning systems and projects in the apartment
We study air conditioning systems and projects for apartments: window, split systems, channel and cassette systems.
We buy air conditioning in the apartment: overview, prices, types
We buy air conditioning in the apartment: overview, prices, types
We make an overview of air conditioners for an apartment before buying. We find out how much the required air conditioning system costs.
The cost of floor and mobile air conditioners for an apartment without duct
The cost of floor and mobile air conditioners for an apartment without duct
We understand the cost of floor and mobile air conditioners for an apartment without an air duct: we choose the best option.
Proper installation of the air conditioner and selection of the installation site in the apartment and house
Proper installation of the air conditioner and selection of the installation site in the apartment and house
We will tell you how to properly install air conditioning in the apartment and where you can’t do this: we consider floor, wall and window air conditioning systems.

Air conditioners in the apartment: how to choose and install correctly

The market offers a huge selection of air conditioners for the apartment. Not to be mistaken and our advice will help you get the right one. When choosing an air conditioner for an apartment, its price and brand are important. But this is not the main thing.

Defining type

The following types of domestic air conditioners exist:

  • fortochny;
  • merged system;
  • cassette;
  • channel;
  • mobile.

Vented air conditioners are noisy and take away part of the window span. For ducts, it is necessary to build air ducts. A cassette is mounted only in a suspended ceiling. The most comfortable conditions in the apartment are created by split systems. But installing an air conditioner in an apartment will increase costs by several thousand. And only professionals can do it competently. A more economical option is a mobile air conditioner. It can be taken to the country in the summer. But it works very noisily and requires a duct outlet. Air conditioning of a large-sized apartment is carried out using a multi-split system, channel or column equipment with a capacity of up to 26 kW.

Counting power

The larger the room, the more powerful the equipment. So, 1 kilowatt of cooling power is needed to service 10 square meters. meters.

We do not recommend using this formula to owners of complex premises with an area of ​​more than 50 square meters. m., with plenty of windows, glass ceiling.In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. Contact a professional.

We determine the functionality

Possible modes of operation of the air conditioner for the apartment:

  • cooling;
  • heating;
  • filtration;
  • drainage;
  • hydration;
  • ionization;
  • ventilation;
  • disinfection;
  • silent night mode;
  • auto.

This feature set is not present in all models. But are they all needed to condition an apartment?

It is important to pay attention to the energy-saving features of the device. Air conditioners for an inverter-controlled apartment are quite economical and efficient. However, a comparison of how much air conditioning costs in an apartment with and without an inverter will obviously not be in favor of the former. The inverter increases the price by an average of 15%.

How much is air conditioning in the apartment?

The cost of air conditioning an apartment begins with the purchase and installation of equipment. Installation of an air conditioner in an apartment costs from 8 thousand rubles. If you need to stretch a long track, hang the block with the help of a tower or climbing equipment, the price increases.

The cost of wall split systems from reliable manufacturers starts from 12 thousand rubles. Inverters at least 15 thousand rubles.

The price of a mobile air conditioner is from 10 thousand rubles.

A good quality air conditioner with remote control can be purchased from 10 thousand rubles.

How much does air conditioning cost in a canal type apartment so immediately and do not count. Indeed, the cost of air ducts is also added to the price of a compressor (from 30 thousand).


