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How to check the pressure and temperature sensor of the air conditioner
The pressure and temperature sensors of the air conditioner allow the system to maintain a comfortable temperature and prevent serious damage when exposed to unacceptable external factors.

Where and when did the first air conditioner appear?
The first air conditioning in the world appeared in 1902. It was invented by the American engineer Willis Carrier. Subsequently, the equipment was improved: ammonia was replaced by freon, monoblock models and inverter motors appeared. The principle of operation of the system has remained unchanged.

Could there be an allergy to air conditioning
Symptoms of an allergy to air conditioning are usually manifested by a runny nose, tearing, coughing, sneezing. The cause of allergies is usually contaminated filters, so they should be cleaned and replaced regularly. Allergy sufferers are advised to choose inverter models with a multi-stage air purification system.

What tubes are needed for an air conditioner: copper, capillary, aluminum
Copper tubes for air conditioners are used to transport refrigerant. Unannealed tubes are more durable but less ductile. In climatic equipment, annealed ones are usually used, since they easily bend without changing the diameter.

Air conditioning server rooms: features of the choice of air conditioning
Air conditioning of server rooms should be carried out 24/7/365 and meet certain requirements. To do this, install several climate control devices with variable switching, or precision air conditioners with high performance and power.

When to change the dehumidifier of the air conditioner: step by step instructions
The filter drier of the air conditioning compressor retains water molecules that enter the system at the time of installation, during a freon leak, or during maintenance. You need to select the type of freon and oil.

Pressure table and boiling point of freon R-410A in the air conditioner
Freon r 410a is the refrigerant used in most models of HVAC equipment. It does not contain chlorine, therefore it does not destroy the ozone layer. At a condensation temperature of 43 ° C, the pressure reaches 26 atm.

Anti-vibration mounts for the air conditioner outdoor unit
Vibration mounts for the air conditioner are installed under the legs of the external unit, as well as between the bracket and the wall. Designed to reduce noise and vibration. When choosing, consider the weight of the equipment.

Choosing fittings, fittings and adapters for air conditioning pipes
Fittings for air conditioners are consumables necessary for the installation of a freon line. Made of copper and brass. There are various types and sizes of solder fittings and crimp fittings for various purposes.

Vacuum drainage pump for air conditioners for condensate drainage
A vacuum pump for air conditioners is installed to ensure the condensate rises to the required height. On the market are built-in, separate, bulk and peristaltic types of devices.

Air conditioning of commercial premises: types of climate systems and their requirements
The air conditioning system in the store is selected taking into account the goods sold, the area of the room, the installed equipment, the number of employees and visitors. At small points they use multi-split, in large trading floors central air conditioning, chiller-fan coil, multi-zone systems.