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How to lay the track for the air conditioner on the walls or ceiling
Installation of air conditioning tracks should be entrusted to professionals. They will indicate the optimal place for installing the indoor and outdoor units, gently without creases, they will lay the track without damaging the walls.

How to disassemble, wash and maintain a home air conditioner
Do-it-yourself cleaning of the split system can save money on after-sales service. The procedure does not take much time. You should read the manual and purchase special detergents so as not to damage the equipment.

Rules for refueling with Freon R22 and its boiling point
Freon R22 is a refrigerant used in climatic systems, refrigeration and cryogenic equipment. Boiling point -40.8 ° C, pressure 4.966 MPa. It destroys the ozone layer.

What to look for when choosing an air conditioner for a house, apartment and room
The choice of an air conditioner depends on the budget, installation options, required power and functionality. Proceeding from this, climatic equipment of premium class, middle segment and budget options are distinguished.

Split systems with a small indoor unit and compact all-in-ones
The compact air conditioner is convenient to use in small rooms, as well as when it is not possible to install a standard split system. The market includes window, mobile, desktop options. If you wish, you can make a mini-conditioner with your own hands.

Oil for freon R-12 and how to replace it with an analog
Freon R12 is a refrigerant used in refrigeration equipment. It decomposes at temperatures over 330 degrees. Boiling point - 29.74 degrees. For operation, mineral oil based on petroleum is required.

Repair of domestic household and industrial air conditioners and split systems
Repair of split systems should be trusted to service centers, as unprofessional intervention can only exacerbate the problem. You can carry out preventative cleaning yourself, and you must carefully study the manual.

What are the advantages and features of freon R407C
Freon R407C is a hydrofluorocarbon mixture used in climatic and refrigeration equipment instead of freon R22. It does not contain chlorine and does not destroy the ozone layer.

Why does the air conditioner dry the air when heated and how to raise the humidity of the room
The air conditioner only dries the air when it cools. In heating mode, humidity does not change. If the air becomes too dry during the operation of the climate technology, you should purchase humidifiers or use improvised means.

Parameters and technical characteristics of household wall-mounted air conditioners
To choose a climate control equipment with an optimal price-quality ratio, it is important to know the technical characteristics of the air conditioner. First of all, power, noise level and additional functions are taken into account.

Why do we need air conditioning in the room, what does it do and is it needed in the apartment
The purpose of the air conditioner is to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. Its cost depends on the functionality and quality of components.Service life is determined by frequency of use and timely preventative maintenance.