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What kind of insulation for copper tubes of the air conditioner to use
With high-quality thermal insulation, the split system works more efficiently, which saves energy. The appearance of the device also improves - no rusty smudges form under it. For insulation use the well-known materials L’Isolante K-FLEX, Energoflex, Thermaflex.

Anti-vibration mounts for the air conditioner outdoor unit
Vibration mounts for the air conditioner are installed under the legs of the external unit, as well as between the bracket and the wall. Designed to reduce noise and vibration. When choosing, consider the weight of the equipment.

Choosing fittings, fittings and adapters for air conditioning pipes
Fittings for air conditioners are consumables necessary for the installation of a freon line. Made of copper and brass. There are various types and sizes of solder fittings and crimp fittings for various purposes.

Vacuum drainage pump for air conditioners for condensate drainage
A vacuum pump for air conditioners is installed to ensure the condensate rises to the required height. On the market are built-in, separate, bulk and peristaltic types of devices.

Deflector for split system: close the air conditioner so as not to blow
A protective screen for the air conditioner redirects the air flow up, thereby avoiding the common cold. Made of plexiglass, plastic, polycarbonate, acrylic, metal. At home, you can make a temporary screen with thick cardboard and tape.

Decorative grilles and covers for air conditioners on the facade: dimensions and installation
Baskets for air conditioners perform the function of protecting equipment from adverse weather conditions, theft and vandalism, and also, if necessary, are a decorative element.

DIY installation of a split system: laying a route, securing blocks, connecting
Do-it-yourself installation of an air conditioner requires labor and self-confidence. The procedure includes the installation of blocks, the connection of electrical wiring, the laying of a freon route, the evacuation of the system. It is important to consider that the warranty for the equipment in this case is voided.

How to drain condensate from an air conditioner to a sewer
Condensate is removed from the air conditioner to the street or to the sewer. The second method is more rational, but requires certain labor costs and additional costs. To prevent water from flowing along the walls of the room, the drainage system should be cleaned regularly.

How to choose brackets for mounting an external unit of a split system
The bracket for the split system ensures the reliability of the installation of the external unit. The size and material depends on the weight and dimensions of the equipment, as well as the features of the wall on which it is mounted.

Installation of a canopy over the air conditioner: the need and possible problems
The canopy over the air conditioner protects the outdoor unit from snow, icicles, and vandalism. The disadvantages of the design are the rapid contamination of equipment and the complexity of maintenance.

How to install air conditioning in the apartment: installation and connection instructions
Installing a split system is a laborious and expensive process. It is necessary to correctly determine the location of the indoor and outdoor units, the tilt angles and the location of the electrical, freon and drainage routes. It is recommended to entrust such work to experienced professionals.