Practical and reliable KZTO radiators are in demand on the Russian market due to the high level of quality and good adaptation to domestic heating systems. The manufacturer offers a wide lineup, which includes devices with optimal characteristics. Before buying, you should study the features of your heating system, the available methods for installing batteries, and the options for radiators on sale.
Manufacturer Information
The Russian factory KZTO “Radiator” is located in the city of Kimry, it has existed since 1998 and has been manufacturing heating devices for residential buildings and industrial buildings. At the beginning of its activities, the company was focused on the production of towel warmers, but it was soon reorganized. Now the plant is one of the largest companies operating in the thermal industry. The list of the most demanded equipment of the enterprise includes KZTO steel tubular radiators, wall, floor and floor type convectors, design radiators and heated towel rails.
Most of the units produced at the plant operate on the energy of the heat carrier of the steam heating system. They can be installed in houses with a single-pipe or two-pipe wiring system, in some devices an electrical connection is available. The devices of the enterprise included in the current model range of the catalog are suitable for apartments and private houses. They stand out among analogues from other manufacturers due to the original design and innovative technical solutions.
Kimra heating radiators are almost impossible to confuse with their counterparts due to the characteristic vertical arrangement of the pipes. At the heart of each device is a horizontal horizontal main collector that is invisible to practical pipe sections.
Range of radiators
Each KZTO radiator with a standard connection is fully adapted to the features of Russian heating networks. The models of the domestic plant, in contrast to the imported ones, are distinguished by good corrosion resistance typical for central heating systems. The inner surface of each has a special anti-corrosion coating, which is applied at the manufacturing stage. Devices are not subject to hydroabrasive wear and have a long service life. The list of models that are most in demand among buyers includes:
- RS and RSK. Tubular radiators of Kimra of this type are supplemented by 1-4 columns and differ in the type of collector. RS batteries have a square section, and RSK devices are round, and their cost is also 10% higher. The heaters do not differ from each other in technical characteristics, they have a side connection, and a lower connection option is also available for them, if the installation method is a priority.
- Harmony 1 and 2. This lineup presents several modifications of the devices. Heating radiators of this type have a non-standard design and belong to the convector group. Each battery consists of double tubes, which are inserted into each other and sealed at the ends, between which the heat carrier circulates. Such a structure allows convective air currents to be moved along the inner and outer surfaces of the device. The difference between the radiators is that in the first model one row of pipes is installed, in the second two.
- Stella. Heating batteries from Kimra of this type are tubular radiators with mirror inserts.They are available in two versions: single-row and double-row, have two connection methods, including bottom and side. All Stella radiators are thoroughly prepared before painting. The tubes of these batteries are primed, cleaned, and also double stained using various composites using a certain technology. First of all, a polymer with an acrylic base is applied by electrophoresis, then the product is coated with an epoxy-polyester dye. This method allows you to achieve a uniform surface color, which is resistant to abrasion and detergents.
- Radiators RS, RSK
- Stella with mirror inserts
- Model Harmony
The range of heating batteries from the Kimry factory includes thermal convectors made of steel and an alloy of aluminum and copper, mounted and floor type, options that are built into the floor, as well as other devices: floor models "Breeze", floor devices "Elegant" and their miniature a copy of the “Elegant-mini”, as well as convective tubular units “Effect”.
How to choose a battery
All KZTO heating radiators are designed for stable operation in Russian heating networks. When choosing a specific model, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics of the device and the requirements for a home heating system. The RS, RSK and Harmony models are suitable for independent systems because they have strict requirements in terms of the quality of the thermal carrier. The reason is the material, these devices are made of steel, which quickly becomes corroded with a high oxygen content and suspended in water. Steel thermal radiators of these types must be supplemented with air vents, it is better if they are automatic.
For installation in single-pipe and double-pipe heating systems with pipes of metal, steel or metal-plastic, it is better to choose “Blues” convectors, the power of which does not exceed 3310 W. The floor type batteries of the “Elegant”, “Elegant mini” and “Elegant plus” series are suitable for bottom connection, some models can be hung on the wall and the radius of curvature can be changed depending on the needs. Radiators "Effect" are ideally suited for installation in multi-apartment buildings due to the optimal working pressure up to 15 atm. Both bottom and side connections are available for them.
The single-row and double-row Harmony radiators have different radii of curvature, which is why they are also ideal for rooms with bay windows. Stella devices have a single-row and two-row design and two types of connection, which can be bottom or side. When ordering any radiator, you can choose its basic white or cream shade or order an individual paint color from the RAL palette. Other customer needs are also taken into account, such as a specific design and interior features.
Advantages of the Kimry Radiators
Kimra heating radiators have a lot of advantages compared to foreign counterparts. All devices presented in the line are manufactured with modern technology and can be installed both in private houses with autonomous systems and in multi-story buildings. Models of the plant are characterized by ergonomic design and optimal design, do not take up much space, have ideal height and size, attractive appearance. A wide range of devices allows you to choose the perfect option for a particular room. The plant’s line of radiators includes tubular steel batteries, floor and floor solo units, and designer models in the form of benches and towel dryers.
Before choosing a radiator, you need to take into account the increased requirements for the quality of the coolant for most Kimra batteries. Air vents must be purchased for each radiator, regardless of type. They must be automatic, for stable operation, such devices are equipped with mud filters and tubes. If the device is connected in a lateral way, the filter can be omitted; for devices with a lower connection, this element must be included in the package. Buyers can choose a model with floor or wall placement, for devices of the first type apply options with three or four pipe columns.
Kimry factory radiator designs are gaining in popularity due to their ability to improve the aesthetics of all heated rooms. The manufacturer offers ready-made options and the ability to order batteries with an individual design, depending on the style of the room.