Equipping a home with a heating system on a gas boiler, the homeowner is faced with the issue of removal of waste combustion products. The construction of a full-fledged chimney involves considerable financial costs and it is not always technically possible to implement a project. The use of a turbocharged gas boiler will help to avoid difficulties. A device of this type does not need a chimney and gives more freedom of action.
How is a turbocharged gas boiler

A turbocharged gas boiler is an assembly that has in construction:
- channel for air intake and exhaust gas;
- electric turbine;
- closed type combustion chamber;
- one or more heat exchangers;
- multi-nozzle burner;
- pump for forced transfer of coolant;
- gas module;
- electronic system for controlling the operation of the installation.
Depending on the power of the unit, heat exchangers and a burner of the largest size are installed on it. The larger they are, the larger overall parameters the installation will have.
The body of the product itself, in which the listed elements are installed, is made of sheet metal. It has special mounting holes that allow you to fix the device on a vertical surface of the wall.
The principle of operation of the equipment
Turbocharged boiler operates as follows:
- After applying power to the unit and turning it on, the turbine fan starts.
- For several seconds, the sensor in the pipe determines the strength of the air flow and, if everything is in order, gives a command to start the piezoelectric ignition.
- After a few seconds after the appearance of a stable spark, the valve in the methane supply module opens, allowing the latter to enter the burner.
- A flame appears that starts to heat the heat exchangers with water.
- Upon reaching the set temperature in the system, a thermal sensor is triggered and gives a command to close the valve in the gas module.
This process continues in a circle in automatic mode, the operator can only adjust the required temperature of the coolant.
Performance indicators
The most important performance indicators for gas turbo-boilers are:
- product reliability;
- durability;
- unit survivability.
The most vulnerable structural elements of any heater are heat exchangers and a burner, subject to constant heating. The first can burn out, while the second periodically during operation the nozzles become clogged. The faster and easier these faults are eliminated, the higher the performance of the model.
Types of chimney channels and features of their device
Engineers of methane-fired boiler equipment have developed several types of chimneys to which you can connect:
- vertical type;
- horizontal type;
- two-channel vertical design.
You can also always use an ordinary brick pipe as a chimney, having previously modified its design in accordance with the operating standards of boiler equipment.
Vertical chimney
A single channel pipe is the simplest design.It can be made of stainless steel or galvanized steel. Such a chimney is assembled from separate sections of a thin-walled structure or with several walls between which there is a layer of insulation. As a rule, in the system of this pipe there is a sump for settling soot or condensate. The connection of heat-generating equipment to the channel is carried out from the side, just above the lower end.
Horizontal smoke outlet
The horizontal type chimney can be single-channel or two-channel, called coaxial. The latter option is often used for boilers with a turbine, where air is supplied outside the building. The coaxial system can be made of stainless steel, galvanized and special plastic. The most reliable option is a stainless chimney, as it has increased resistance to the acidic environment resulting from the combustion process.
The internal duct of the two-channel system is output, the external one serves for the flow of air into the chamber.
Dual Channel Vertical System
A vertical pipe with two channels is most often used in multi-story housekeeping with a centralized chimney system. Several units can be connected to such a pipe at the same time. A chimney project of this type takes place in homes where it is not desirable to weaken the supporting structure by drilling holes in the wall or in order to preserve the decorative facade of the building.
Connecting the boiler to a conventional chimney
In old houses with built-in stove heating, you can use the existing brick pipe as a chimney for a heat-generating unit. The disadvantage of this option is that the smoke consisting of steam and carbon dioxide does not have a high temperature, condensate will constantly form on the pipe, it will begin to freeze and quickly collapse. Therefore, such structures must be additionally insulated.
Pros and cons of turbocharged gas boilers
Boiler equipment with a built-in turbine has the following advantages:
- high efficiency reaching 95%;
- does not require the construction of a complex vertical flue as atmospheric;
- has a high level of security, eliminating the possibility of methane and carbon monoxide entering the room;
- it is compact and does not require a separate boiler room for installation, like an atmospheric apparatus;
- equipped with an automatic control system with the ability to work from external temperature sensors.
The disadvantages of the installations include:
- the volatility of the unit, which cannot function in the absence of mains voltage;
- the high cost of both the equipment itself and components if repairs are necessary.
The choice of atmospheric or turbocharged boiler depends on the technical capabilities of the building.
What to look for when choosing a device
When making the choice of methane boiler equipment, they are primarily determined with the thermal power, which will be enough for heating a particular building. A standard ceiling height of up to 3 meters with an average insulation of the external wall implies a consumption of thermal energy of 10 squares within 1 kW. You also need to consider:
- The single-circuit boiler is designed only for heating. To have hot water in the faucet, a double-circuit is needed.
- Devices with copper heat exchangers have proven themselves well - they are durable and quickly warm up.
- On running models there will always be an opportunity to find accessories and a service center for maintenance.
Modern devices allow you to manage them through special applications in your smartphone.