Warming of slopes is one of the parts of the housing arrangement procedure, which together allows you to create a comfortable and healthy microclimate in it. The event is quite simple, does not require professional skills and tools. You can do it yourself, keeping within a limited budget. To achieve a quality result, you need to study the features of commercially available materials and the technology of their use.
Causes of condensation
Condensation formed on the walls and frames is the reason for the increased humidity in the apartment. Due to the damp, fungus and mold begins to develop. Shoes, clothes and furniture quickly become worthless, there is an unpleasant smell in the air. All this is fraught with material losses and health problems.
Causes of condensation:
- The window frame does not fit tightly to the opening, there are technological seams that are filled with mounting foam or cement mortar. Cement is an excellent conductor of cold, and the foam quickly collapses under the influence of moisture, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation.
- The double-glazed window cools down very much in the cold, through the frame the cold is transferred to the walls. If there is no insulation, the supporting structures cool down, water drops form due to the temperature difference.
- Over time, the building shrinks, which leads to the formation of through gaps through which cold air enters the room and the walls.
Properly performed insulation of the slopes of the plastic windows inside and out will help get rid of excess moisture and will positively affect the design of the room.
The choice of material for thermal insulation of slopes
When choosing a material should focus not only on its cost.
It is necessary to use thermal insulation, which has the following characteristics:
- low thermal conductivity;
- durability;
- shape stability;
- immunity to temperature extremes;
- low hygroscopicity;
- resistance to fungus and mold.
You can insulate the slopes of plastic windows inside the apartment and from the side of the street with the following materials:
- Styrofoam. It is produced in the form of plates 100x100x2 cm. It is distinguished by its affordable price, ease and ease of processing. The disadvantage is that the substance absorbs moisture and under its influence loses its properties, slowly turning into dust.
- Extruded polystyrene foam is the most effective insulation among plate analogues. Penoplex does not deteriorate from dampness, is immune to pressure and pathogenic microorganisms. It is great for outdoor and indoor use.
- Mineral wool. It is made by rolls and plates, 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm thick. The material conducts air well. Minvata can be used to warm a wooden and frame house, where ventilation qualities are appreciated. Since the insulator is hygroscopic, it must be insulated with a membrane cloth, followed by covering with plastic panels or plastering.
- Polyurethane foam. It is a liquid substance, which when in contact with air increases by 30-40 times, filling all the cracks and cavities. The hardened foam is characterized by low thermal conductivity, resistance to dampness and temperature changes. The disadvantage of PPU is that under the influence of ultraviolet light, it quickly collapses.
- Sandwich panels. They are an excellent option for finishing slopes both outside and inside.The foam enclosed between the PVC plates is protected from external influences and effectively retains cold. During installation, it is necessary to qualitatively seal the ends of the panels in order to reliably close the filler.
- Warm plaster. Combines the qualities of foam and putty. Due to its liquid state it fills all voids, forming a strong frame for the window. After drying, it is a reliable temperature barrier between the street and the room. Strengthening the insulating properties of the solution is achieved by adding a variety of foam balls, ceramic and polymer additives.
- Expanded polystyrene
- Minvata
- Warm plaster
- Polyurethane foam
Thermal exhaust can be created from several types of insulation, if necessary to achieve a quality result in all respects.
Tools and materials for insulation
To make a window warmed slope, you need to prepare the following tools:
- hammer drill;
- level;
- roulette;
- hacksaw;
- miter box;
- stationery knife;
- marker;
- paint brush;
- putty knife;
- grater;
- mounting gloves;
- protective glasses.
The following materials must be purchased:
- synthetic or rubber glue;
- putty;
- facade plaster;
- deep penetration primer;
- water-based paint;
- antiseptic;
- reinforcing mesh;
- thermal insulation.
Depending on the technology chosen, the lists may be larger or smaller.
When calculating building materials, you need to make a margin of 10-15% for errors, losses during transportation and storage.
The process of warming the slopes of plastic windows inside the house
Insulation of window slopes from the inside should begin with the preparation of the base.
The following actions are recommended:
- clean the space between the frame and the aperture from the old finish and filler;
- align the internal openings with a punch;
- remove dirt and dust from surfaces with a brush and spray gun, wipe off oily deposits;
- seal visible cracks and openings with cement mortar or mastic sealant;
- treat the surface with an antiseptic first, and then with a deep penetration primer;
- perform sealing.
Further actions can be carried out when the base dries well. This time can be spent on warming the space under the windowsill and low tide. It, like the slopes, must be well cleaned of dirt and dust, and then filled with one of the available thermal insulators.
After that, you need to carry out the following manipulations:
- Align the openings so that they acquire the correct geometric shape. To do this, you can use mounting foam, gypsum mortar or facade plaster.
- Treat the openings with an antiseptic, impregnation and hydrophobic agent.
- Take insulation, cut strips of the desired width and length from it. In the manufacture of prefabricated basalt wool, you need to take into account the elasticity factor and make them 2-3 cm larger.
- Prepare a waterproof adhesive and apply it liberally to the strips. Immediately after that, with effort, insert them into the cavity, distributing them throughout the volume. Remove excess glue.
- Make a second set of warm blanks. They need to be done already with the expectation that they will cover the surface between the frames and the internal sections of the wall.
- Stick thermal insulator over previously closed openings. Remove protruding excess, trim corners.
- If mineral wool is used, cover it with a membrane and cover it with a vapor-permeable solution.
The final stage is the finish. Slopes are closed with plastic, plaster or ceramic tile.
Insulation from the side of the street allows you to move the dew point from the supporting structures.This will extend their service life and improve the insulating qualities of the slopes. For work, it is better to use polystyrene foam, which has all the qualities necessary for operation in an external environment.
External insulation is carried out in the following sequence:
- Measures are taken to ensure safety when working at height. Insurance is mandatory, the rope is attached to the heating battery or to a special hook screwed into the wall for the period of repair.
- A double-glazed window is taken out and taken out of the deaf frame. It’s better to get an assistant here.
- The area around the window perimeter is cleaned of dirt and degreased.
- At a distance of 20-25 cm from the outer edges of the slopes, a plastic corner of 20x20 mm is attached.
- Styrofoam strips are cut to the size of the outer frame and slopes. The blanks are glued to the designated places, after which all the cracks are closed.
- Rigid fixation of the plates by plate dowels with an interval of 40-50 cm.
- The insulation surface is reinforced with a plastic mesh.
- A layer of facade plaster is applied with a thickness of up to 15 mm.
The final stage of the repair is the surface finish. To do this, paint resistant to moisture, frost and ultraviolet is used.