When the cold season begins, heating in a private house or apartment is required. Not always the central heating system is enough to maintain the optimum temperature, so people buy electric heaters. The range of models is wide, but in order to choose the most economical device, you need to understand the varieties and characteristics of all types of devices.
Heater requirements
The main function of the heater is to maintain a comfortable room temperature. It should give as much heat as the residents need. New generation economical electric heaters have the following parameters:
- The presence of a thermostat. Such devices are considered energy-saving because they reduce power in standby mode. Allows you to save electricity.
- The presence of a temperature controller. Using the controller, you can set a specific temperature. By lowering it, it is also possible to reduce electricity consumption.
- Ceramic heating element. Such devices have increased efficiency, as they quickly heat up and cool for a long time.
- Steam-drop technology. In fact, the heater is a portable battery, since the heating is carried out due to hot water inside the device.
These characteristics need to be considered when choosing the best economical electric heater for the home.
Varieties of heaters
There are different types of heating equipment that have proven themselves at home. These include:
- Electric convector heater. Air circulates through the heating element, which rises and falls after cooling. Thus, the circulation of air masses. Atlantic models are very popular. Their power is in the range of 0.5-2.5 kW.
- Infrared. Such devices operate with low power consumption. They include a quartz emitter, which performs the function of heating. It transfers heat to nearby objects and does not heat the air. It is used to quickly heat the room. Not suitable as a replacement for a classic radiator. IR devices can work outdoors. They can be mounted on flat surfaces or placed on legs. Various companies are involved in the production of devices, including Teplodar.
- Mycothermal. The device is economical and efficient. The device is based on new developments that were previously used in medicine and astronautics. The design has several mica-coated plates. Mounting is carried out on the ceiling or walls. Heaters are notable for their safety, as they do not become hot, as well as uniform heating of surrounding objects. Of the minuses, you can highlight the high cost.
- Air conditioning. It is usually used to heat a country house. Economical. It works by means of a heat pump, which draws in air with a heat exchanger. Heating is carried out by freon, which warms up to 80 ° C. The average electricity consumption per hour is 2-5 kW.
- Ceramic plates. They operate on the principle of IR long-wave radiation. There are ceiling and wall models. Average consumption ranges from 250 watts to 2.5 kW per hour.
- Mycothermal
- Ceramic plate
- Air conditioning
- Infrared
Oil radiators stand out in a separate category. They burn a small amount of oxygen and require a minimum of electricity.The disadvantages include large sizes.
Which heater is better and more economical for an apartment depends on the individual characteristics of the room and the climate.
Choosing the most economical heater
Equipment manufacturers offer several types of heating devices. In each category there are successful and unsuccessful models, but the type should be chosen in accordance with the parameters of the room and climatic conditions.
Based on the experience of using many buyers, it can be concluded that a convector with a thermostat consumes a minimum of electricity. It is similar in principle to an oil cooler, but has a high level of safety. Convection helps to raise dust particles, so this device should not be put to people suffering from allergies or asthma. Such an economical home heater is also often used in the country or in the garage.
Among the most effective devices include infrared economical electric heaters. Their power is aimed at heating a person and surrounding objects, while they do not affect air temperature. For this reason, there is no useless waste of energy. Such models are suitable for home and garden. Actively used on open terraces due to the ability to work on the street.
In the apartment you can buy a small economical oil heater. In its design there is a heater heating the purified oil. It becomes a source of heat and is able to heat the room after disconnecting from the network. Using an oil cooler, you can dry things.
Power calculation
Heating equipment is used in cottages and in city apartments. Economical new generation heaters are powered by the mains, so it is important to first calculate its power and consumption.
To make the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the area of the house or apartment and the number of heating appliances. The power of the radiator is recognized by the formula kWt = 0.27 * s * ϱ * P * h * (t2-t1). WITH Is the specific heat R - area of the room, h - height ϱ - air density. The result is the amount of heat that is needed for this room, as well as the power of the device.
Also, when calculating the following factors should be taken into account:
- The material of the walls and their thickness. If the house has thick walls, heat loss will be minimal.
- Type of radiator. Each heater consumes its own amount of energy and is able to warm the room for a certain time.
- The presence or absence of wall insulation. If there is an additional warming layer, the optimum temperature will be maintained longer.
- The number of windows, their quality. Depends on how much heat will go to the street.
You can perform calculations for country and apartment models in special online calculators.