Ermak company exists on the market since 1997 and is one of the largest manufacturers of heating equipment. Bath and standard Ermak furnaces are reliable and easy to operate, have compact dimensions and can successfully fit into the interior of any room. Customers can choose the right model from several series depending on their needs. Before buying, it is worth exploring the pros and cons of the brand's furnace equipment, their technical characteristics and the affordable model range.
Device and principle of operation
The manufacturer produces classic-type furnaces and updated models that differ from traditional ones in functionality and operating principle. The standard type of equipment works according to the scheme of simple gas ducts, has a rounded body and mounts for additional elements on the rear wall. For furnaces from the new line, a complex two-stream gas ducting scheme was developed, due to which the intensity of heating of stones and the overall efficiency of the device significantly increased. Ermak stoves for stoves are made of cast iron or stainless steel, the stoves and smoke channels in them are made of stainless steel.
Firewood, gas or briquettes can be used as fuel for the stove from Ermak; recently, combined devices have become more and more popular. Their power ranges from 12 to 36 kW, depending on the design, configuration and functionality. The furnace or boiler Ermak works according to a simple principle: the fuel creates thermal energy and warms up the room, its combustion products are removed using gas vents.
To expand the functionality of the bathhouse or standard furnace, it is supplemented with auxiliary elements, the list of which may include:
- a heat exchanger for heating water in an adjacent room;
- hinged tank for a steam room;
- Kamenka grid;
- convector screen for protection against infrared radiation;
- a steam generator that removes finely dispersed fumes;
- remote tank for heating water in the washing.
The main element of each Ermak sauna stove is a firebox, at the base of which there is an ash pan. With it, you can change the intensity of fuel combustion, eliminate unburned fragments and ash.
Advantages and disadvantages of Ermak furnaces
The Ermak bath furnace is made of high quality cast iron and steel, which undergo strict selection at the acceptance stage before production. Working components are made on equipment of foreign manufacturers. The design of budget and elite stoves is constantly being improved, the company updates the existing model range and develops new modifications. The list of the main advantages of Ermak sauna and bath stoves includes their ability to quickly warm up the room, the ability to configure equipment according to needs. They also have a simple and stylish design, ease of installation and are sold at affordable prices.
In addition to the positive characteristics, the owners of the stoves also note the disadvantages of the equipment. Standard bath models are not suitable for saunas requiring a more careful selection of parts and elements. Some buyers are not satisfied with the too simple appearance of the stoves - there are no devices with a complex design in the manufacturer's lines. It is also worth considering that the ovens cool off too quickly after turning off.In other parameters, standard and premium class equipment is not difficult and can compete with peers from Russian and foreign manufacturers.
Stoves and fireplaces from the manufacturer Ermak are distinguished by good technical indicators. The devices are made of refractory materials and supplemented with elements of a heat-resistant substance, able to withstand temperatures up to 2000 degrees and the humidity level in the room up to 30%. In the manufacture of innovative materials and advanced technologies. Each unit is characterized by high quality welds and other parts, fully complies with international fire standards.
The design of the furnace is thought out to the smallest detail, the devices have a modular structure, which allows you to supplement them with auxiliary parts. Stoves maintain the optimal atmosphere and temperature in the room, do well with their basic functions of the heating device. All units of the brand comply with European standards, they are given a guarantee from the manufacturer for up to five years. One of the main advantages of heating stoves for garden and home Ermak is ease of installation: it is enough to install the device on the prepared surface and connect it to the communications.
The furnace heating process is fully automated, to connect the device, just turn the handle of the switch and set the desired temperature. When installing the furnace in the steam room for the units create the most comfortable conditions. Devices can be additionally bricked, equip remote tanks for water. The optimum length of the firebox of each furnace allows you to install a furnace door with a pipe in an additional room.
To prevent possible injuries, the stove can be equipped with a wooden frame. It should be located at a small distance from the device, in its manufacture you need to remember about fire prevention measures.
The lineup

The Ermak model range includes three categories of equipment: bath stoves, water heaters and electric stoves. Units for a bathhouse or a Russian sauna differ from each other in operational characteristics and types of working modules. Kamenka is presented in open and closed versions, according to the type of case, all devices are divided into casing-convectors and mesh ovens.
The first option is ideal for a Finnish sauna, as it is able to heat air as quickly as possible in dry heating mode. The second is chosen for the Russian bath, since such devices have a low level of convection and heats the room more slowly, while retaining heat longer. The list of bath stoves of the brand includes modifications of the following types:
- 12 PS. The stoves are small and suitable for small baths. The Yermak series 12 furnace is characterized by good heat transfer and can operate on various types of fuel with a maximum level of heating.
- 16. Compact and small-sized appliances designed for heating large rooms. They are often used in saunas with large areas where it is necessary to warm up the entire space evenly.
- 20 standard. The furnaces are equipped with a dual-stream gas exhaust system and fire chambers with a depth of up to 55 mm. Their weight and the volume of water tanks can vary significantly, so choose the right modification based on the scale of the room.
- 30. Such devices have a large weight, volume and power. Thanks to its simple design, it is easy to install a heater or heat exchanger. If you have such a furnace, you should create an open steam room in the bathhouse due to the high level of humidity and chimneys with a size of at least 60-65 mm.
Small-sized options are better for those who want to save fuel and are looking for a compact-sized stove that does not cause problems in maintenance and during installation. Combined models are ideal for those who do not plan to use firewood as fuel. Sauna heaters are the best choice for customers looking for appliances that can warm the room as quickly and silently as possible.
Operational Features
In order to maximize the life of the device, in the process of its use, you must follow all the manufacturer's recommendations. Before lighting the furnace, it is necessary to check the tightness of the joints and the presence of traction. For this purpose, a chimney canal is opened and a burning match is brought closer to the chamber. If traction is present, the fire will deviate from the vertical. The furnace should be filled correctly at a level of no more than three quarters at a time, solid fuel is laid transversely or longitudinally in even layers.
The process of fuel combustion must be monitored and ensure that the heater does not heat up to redness. To reduce the amount of soot during each third or fourth furnace, dry aspen or foliage of other species is placed in a hot oven. Twice a year, you need to conduct a routine inspection of the stones, remove them and clean the inside of the furnace with a soft rag soaked in a cleaning solution. This will help to avoid the accumulation of dust and steam products.
Water is poured before starting to light a standard or suspension device. Filling the heat exchanger with water after the start of fuel burning can damage internal communications. Care of the furnace and its proper operation significantly extend the life of the unit and help to avoid fire hazard situations.