A small fireplace is an excellent option to warm the room and give it a new original look. Modern technologies provide high efficiency of this equipment, which, with its small size, allows maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the building. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a small fireplace for a country house, you should familiarize yourself with the assortment of products presented in the distribution network. If you have a standard set of household tools and the skills to use them, you can make a small and beautiful fireplace yourself.
Features of mini fireplaces
Not all cottages and city apartments are large enough to install a full-fledged stove, occupying a large area, characterized by considerable weight and volume. The craving for an unusual interior in people becomes stronger as the flow of information and the level of well-being increase. The models on sale do not always fit in price and dimensions; a huge stove will look absolutely inappropriate in a cramped room.
Structurally, mini foci are no different from their full-size prototypes. They have the same device and principle of operation. The difference is only in weight and size. In addition, portable devices can be moved from room to room and even carried with you in a car so as not to expose an expensive device to theft or damage in an empty cottage.
Distribution chains offer ready-made small electric fireplaces made in the following styles:
- Classic. The foci are made in the shape of the letter "P", framed by stucco molding in the form of a brick, cobblestone or fragmentary stone.
- Rustic. The existing podiums give the portals the shape of the letter “D”, making the stove more interesting and original. Stucco is also present.
- High tech. Such small electric fireplaces are made in 2-3 colors, they are distinguished by clear lines, the presence of metal and glass surfaces.
- Bionics. The portal has an arbitrary shape created by curved overlays facing the external structures.
- Classic
- High tech
- Bionics
- Rustical
Like full-scale counterparts, mini electric fireplaces perform the function of heating and decorative lighting. Hot air is supplied using a fan heater. Some models have functions for adjusting the flame mode and sound. The instructions that accompany the product describe the rules for connecting and operating it.
Varieties of Mini Fireplaces
Portable fireplaces can be made of stone, brick, cast iron or heat resistant steel. This affects the appearance, weight and degree of mobility of products. The main difference is the energy source that will be used to generate heat.
There are such furnace and fuel options:
- Wood burning. Products are popular in cottages, where a large number of firewood or inexpensive briquettes are available. Combustion of fuel is carried out in enclosed chambers, which are all steel or with transparent inserts. Furnaces are necessarily equipped with chimneys. Regular loading of firewood and ash removal is required. For a brick wood stove, a solid foundation is required.
- Gas. The furnace is a burner hidden behind a glass screen. For decorative purposes, screens can be painted under smoldering logs or coals.Gas combustion is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat, which is supplied to the room by reflective internal structures. The downside is that you need to install an efficient hood.
- Electric. Products are ready for use immediately after installation. Heat is generated by heating the coils. According to the principle of heating, they are divided into designs with reflectors and fans. The disadvantage of such stoves is the large consumption of electricity and the burning of oxygen from the air.
- Biofireplaces. This category is universal and multifunctional. As fuel, denatured alcohol with dyes is used. Products are completely safe; only water vapor is released during fuel combustion. They can be installed in rooms of any type, they work on one gas station for up to 20 hours.
- Bio fireplace
- Gas
- Electric
Depending on the size and type of fuel, biofireplaces are wall, corner, floor, pendant, built-in and even desktop. The generated heat can be directed frontally and away from the appliances.
Advantages and disadvantages
As with any kind of heating decorative appliances, mini fireplaces have their pros and cons.
Advantages are as follows:
- compactness;
- mobility;
- large selection of models;
- speed of installation and connection;
- ease of maintenance;
- a small amount of waste;
- relatively low cost;
- the ability to do it yourself;
- stylish design that fits perfectly into the interior of the cottage and private home;
- profitability.
Of the shortcomings, it is worthwhile to focus on the low heating ability of the products. The limited volume of the combustion chamber does not allow to use as much fuel as is necessary for high-quality heating of the building. The use of powerful electrical devices creates an increased load on communications and loud noise from the fan.
Fuel needs regular replenishment, with the exception of gas centers connected to central communications in a private house.
Materials for the manufacture
You can build a mini fireplace with your own hands at any time during the operation of the building. For a small structure, there is no need to equip a powerful and heavy foundation. A small hearth can be installed in any part of the room, based on aesthetic and practical criteria.
There are such options for choosing the material for the manufacture of portable fireplaces:
- Metal. It is better to choose heat-resistant steel, which is more ductile and easier to process than cast iron. If you have the skills to handle the welding machine, you can make a spectacular and practical design with glass inserts. In this case, the mass of the focus will be so limited that it does not create additional load on the supporting structures of the building.
- Brick. This is a heavier material that can only be used on concrete floors. A wooden floor is not intended for this. The heat capacity is higher, and the finished structure looks beautiful and presentable. An alternative is foam blocks, which are lightweight and resistant to high temperatures.
- Drywall. A great choice if the source of light and heat is an electric spiral or bioethanol. GKL box is glued with imitation stone or brick, after which the structure becomes completely similar to factory-made models.
When deciding on the material for the home, you should evaluate your financial capabilities, abilities, architectural and technical features of the room.
DIY mini-fireplaces
Making a mini-fireplace begins with a drawing. On paper should reflect all the details of the structure and a step-by-step plan for its assembly.
To put a portable hearth out of blocks, you need to perform the following actions:
- Mark on bearing surfaces.
- To make a steel frame that will give the fireplace strength.
- Make a small podium.
- Knead the solution and lay out the walls of the focus.
- Lay the factory or self-made decorative plate on top.
- Install a decorative grille at the bottom, followed by a fan heater.
- Equip the reflector on the rear wall.
- Cut a piece of glass, draw logs on it, set in the middle of the "firebox".
It remains to glue the box over with finishing, put jars of biofuel behind the stained glass window and light the flame. For heating use a masked fan heater.