Combined water heaters from the Teplodar brand are distinguished by efficiency, attractive design and an extensive assortment. The manufacturer produces 37 modifications compatible with gas or electric mains. The Kupper boiler runs on solid fuel, suitable for a private house, cottage, country cottage.
Design and principle of operation
The outdated line of solid fuel units worked for 4 hours on one tab, but modern appliances can warm the room for 10 hours. Structurally, Kupper devices manufactured by the Teplodar company consist of the following elements:
- steel case - 3 mm thick sheet material is used;
- multi-row heat exchanger;
- solid fuel loading compartment;
- firebox, thermometer and ash pan;
- fitting for installing a heating unit;
- basalt thermal insulation board.
The water heat exchanger-shirt has pipes inside, between which there is a special visor. The element provides high efficiency and does not allow the fire to get into the smoke collector. The heating circuit is designed so that the coolant circulates continuously. The energy temperature is set by the user, air flows into the furnace automatically.
The device can be understaffed with a temperature controller.
Principle of operation
After firewood, briquettes or coal are loaded into the Cooper stove, it is possible to kindle. Fuel materials heat water during combustion. It moves along the contour - the principle of natural or forced circulation is activated. The user controls the intensity of combustion manually, but there are special control panels with sensors for adjusting the heating elements.
The specifics of the model range
Cooper is a universal type boiler, which is produced in the OVK-10, OK-15, OVK-18, OK-20, OK-30, OK-42 modifications. By marking, you can judge the purpose of the products. OK are intended exclusively for heating, HVAC - for heating the room and cooking. The numbers indicate the thermal power of the equipment (10-42 kW). The missile defense line includes long burning models with a afterburner.
Hob boilers
Compact equipment for heating rooms with an area of 80-180 m2 and a cast-iron stove. Cooper solid fuel boiler is compatible with all types of fuel resources, gas and pellet burners. The basic equipment includes a block of heaters with a power of 6 kW. It is necessary to maintain the temperature regime of the coolant after the fuel has burned.
Chimney units and controller are purchased separately.
Universal unit for continuous combustion
Features of the Cooper boiler with a long burning system are compactness and high efficiency. The device qualitatively heats houses with an area of up to 160 m2, working from electricity, gas, pellets, coal and firewood. The heat exchanger consists of 12 pipes, equipped with a removable element. To protect against overheating of the furnace, a water shirt is used.
The equipment is different:
- minimum fuel consumption - in just 1 hour only 2-3 kg of pellets are burned;
- high efficiency - almost 95%;
- convenience of connecting to a standard power line;
- energy efficiency - about 60 watts are consumed in 1 hour;
- manual or automatic power adjustment;
- firebox capacity - 2 buckets of coal are loaded, firewood 40 cm long horizontally and 50 cm vertically.
The power of the devices reaches 15 kW, there is a pyrolysis afterburning system. The universal unit is equipped with a sealed sash closing system.
Heating devices
This variety is represented by two models with a capacity of 10-42 kW. Cooper stove warms up the house qualitatively and is characterized by:
- high efficiency thanks to the tube type heat exchanger;
- the possibility of using gas and pellet fuel;
- compatible with automatic combustion control;
- horizontal type of firebox, designed for lumber up to 50 cm in length;
- right and left loop connection.
The heater is suitable for open, closed systems with natural or forced circulation.
- Pellet pyrolysis boiler
- Heating stoves Teplodar
- Hob boiler
Boiler Series
The manufacturer produces solid fuel devices in several lines:
- PRO. Boilers are available since 2016 and are suitable for heating rooms up to 420 m2. The burning time of 10 hours is realized through the built-in air supply mechanism to the combustion chamber and the water tube grate. The kit includes a heater with a power of 6-9 kW. The circuit is connected to the left or right.
- Carbo. Modifications designed for coal briquettes.
- The practitioner. Feature - compatibility with open and closed systems, space heating up to 200 squares. Cooper OK series boiler includes models 15 and 20. Of the HVAC, 10 and 18.
- Comfort. Budget modification for rooms up to 100 m2, designed for laying firewood up to 59 cm in length. The water circuit has no stagnant areas. The Cosiness series is suitable for connecting gas and pellet burners.
To insert the burners, the ignition leaf must be removed.
Hardware Specifications
You can consider the technical parameters of the boiler from the Cooper company on the example of the OK-15 model, since the entire heating line is similar:
- Efficiency 80%, but this characteristic varies by 5%;
- parameters of working pressure in the presence of water - 0.2 MPa;
- limit coolant temperature - 90 degrees;
- water temperature at the entrance to the circuit - 60-80 degrees;
- diameter of the chimney duct - 150 mm;
- thermal power - 9, 10, 15, 18 and 20 kW.
Chimney modification OK-10 - 115 mm in diameter.
Advantages and disadvantages
Plus solid fuel boilers - beautiful design and ease of use. The equipment also has other advantages:
- power and energy efficiency - the Cooper solid fuel boiler for 15 kW or more is suitable for large rooms;
- independence from the presence of a gas or electric line;
- fuel universality - they work on brown, hard coal, firewood, pellets;
- the presence of a self-cleaning function;
- operational safety;
- temperature support with the help of heating elements;
- extensive model range - varies in power and capacity of the furnace;
- large capacity of the combustion chamber - from 18 to 40 l;
- high efficiency indicators - from 85 to 95%;
- right and left loop connection.
The equipment is suitable for small and polymer pipes.
The minus of the devices is the lack of complete temperature controllers and control panels for heaters. The lineup does not include dual-circuit models.
Cooper Boiler Selection Parameters
The Teplodar brand produces several modifications of boilers, so before buying it is worth paying attention to the model:
- OVK-10 is a low-power device suitable for small houses up to 100 m2.
- OK-15 is designed for 15 kW, so it is installed in rooms of 120 m2.
- OVK-18 and OK-20 are characterized by high performance. Their power is enough to warm rooms on 175 m2. Variation OK is equipped with a hob.
- OK-36 is mounted in buildings from 200 m2.
The system of heating elements without control will not qualitatively warm rooms from 100 squares.
Installation specifics
A complete manufacturer's manual explains the installation features for a particular model. Self-installation must obey the following rules:
- The presence of high-quality ventilation, natural or artificial light in the boiler room.
- Pellet units are placed only in rooms with power lines.
- The boiler is installed on a smooth, non-combustible and durable floor. For wooden surfaces, steel shielding is provided.
- From the wall of the boiler room to the apparatus from the frontal part there should be 2 m, from the side - at least 1 m.
- The room should have sewage.
- A chimney made of wood is treated with an insulating coating, installed 50 cm above the ridge.
The manufacturer recommends the use of special sandwich chimneys at least 5 m in length.
Heating boilers from the Kupper brand are universal units that are compatible with all types of fuel. They are mounted in residential buildings with a square of 100-300 m, connected to water heating and are easily switched to long-term burning.