Heading "Heating in the house"
DIY thermal insulation tips for a frame house outside
DIY thermal insulation tips for a frame house outside
Frameworks are considered one of the most popular today. They are economical, light in weight, the construction technology is simple and understandable. However, to ensure the optimal microclimate inside the building, the walls lack thickness. Click to enlarge ...
European experience in heating private houses: two schemes
European experience in heating private houses: two schemes
"Warm floor or radiator heating?". This question today is asked by many advanced private developers who are “lucky” to build their homes in the crisis of recent years, which taught them to think carefully about any purchases, especially to ...
DIY biogas plant for heating a private house: a quick guide
DIY biogas plant for heating a private house: a quick guide
The extraction of natural gas allowed people living in apartments to get comfortable living conditions. Only thanks to the gas pipeline, cooking time is halved, and in the winter it is always warm in the apartment. Unfortunately,...
Comparison of heating systems of a private house
Comparison of heating systems of a private house
More and more often, residents of large megalopolises, wound up by urban life, come to the idea of ​​buying a house in the country or buying a plot for its construction. However, the townspeople accustomed to comfort in everyday life are here ...
A detailed overview of boilers for heating a private house
A detailed overview of boilers for heating a private house
There is a group of varieties of such heating devices. Boilers are classified according to the installation method and the nature of the fuel. Gas-fired boilers Blue fuel heating appliances. At the moment, gas equipment can rightly be called the most common ...
How to replace firewood when using a fireplace: 5 options
How to replace firewood when using a fireplace: 5 options
Most likely, you have a popularized opinion about the fireplace, which is imposed by books, paintings and films. Tongues of red-orange flame embrace firewood in an open portal of a fireplace, a romantic crack of combustible wood. This fireplace looks very nice, ...
Detailed installation guide for underfloor heating and walls
Detailed installation guide for underfloor heating and walls
During the construction of a residential building, an important detail is the installation of a heating structure. The modern market offers the use of a warm water floor and warm water walls. Consider the pros and cons of this system and the features of the installation. Benefits and ...
Free and cheap ways of warming and heating a private house: 4 tips
Free and cheap ways of warming and heating a private house: 4 tips
A country house is the dream of any urban family, and today very many can afford this pleasure. This is not a banal cottage, which is adapted only for summer holidays, but ...
How to insulate walls outside the house
How to insulate walls outside the house
If you decide to insulate the walls, it is best to do this from the outside. The insulation can be hidden behind the siding. Types of external insulation There are four types of insulation: Budget option. It is produced by conventional roll insulation, which ...
How to insulate the floor in a private house
How to insulate the floor in a private house
Warming of houses is almost the most important point in the construction and repair work. And it is not necessary to insulate individually, for example, those walls or corners where the cold comes from, but the whole house. Process...
How to make a private house warmer
How to make a private house warmer
With the onset of cold weather we do not want to leave the house once again, and we hurry home from the street as soon as possible.But not always our hearth pleases with warmth, and sometimes upsets with dampness. From this ...


