Heading "Heating in non-residential premises"
How to make a false ceiling for a bath do-it-yourself
How to make a false ceiling for a bath do-it-yourself
A false ceiling is a design in which the supporting elements are attached directly to the base ceiling. Especially often, such a ceiling is used in the construction of baths, since it most meets the requirements for decorating rooms with high ...
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The foundation is the foundation of any building, since the quality of the whole house will depend on it. Unfortunately, not a single house will stand idle for a long time without it. Therefore, the question of the foundation device is necessary ...
How to carry out finishing work in unheated rooms
How to carry out finishing work in unheated rooms
Building a house, whether it’s own or multi-unit, is always a long and rather laborious process. Many, having completed construction, or having bought an apartment, are faced with the problem of finishing work in rooms without heating. How to spend ...
How and how to plaster a brick oven
How and how to plaster a brick oven
A stove in a person’s life appeared earlier than a hut. At the source of its existence, it looked like a hearth with a bowler hung over it. The constant development and improvement of the hearth turned it into a work of art. Development...
Choose a material for attic insulation
Choose a material for attic insulation
To insulate the attic, it is necessary with all responsibility to approach the choice of materials. Even the best roof can not have such insulation as the main wall due to insufficient thickness. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a heater that ...
Choose a gas boiler for heating the bath
Choose a gas boiler for heating the bath
The bathhouse became a part of everyday life and entered the culture of the Russian people back in the days of paganism. And today, she continues to enjoy well-deserved love. This is not just a place to wash, but ...
Infrared Sauna Battery
Infrared Sauna Battery
Since time immemorial, it is known that the sauna has a number of wellness qualities. Currently, the society pays more attention to health, and increasingly uses the services of saunas. As a rule, to build a room and make ...
What is an individual heat point
What is an individual heat point
A specialized set of equipment designed to control the heat supply of individual buildings connected to a central heating system is called an individual heat point. It can be a residential building, enterprise or any other construction with several independent consumers ...
How to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder
How to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder
Such designs will be very handy for rooms in which we do not have to be too often. They are perfect for country houses, garages, repair boxes, utility rooms. As a rule, conduct a centralized system here ...
Which sauna stove is better?
Which sauna stove is better?
The heart of a Russian bath is its oven, since it is it that provides the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay in the steam room - the optimal ratio of temperature and humidity level. Her right choice also determines such ...
Options for heating a greenhouse in winter, an overview of the most efficient and economical methods of heat supply
Options for heating a greenhouse in winter, an overview of the most efficient and economical methods of heat supply
Analysis of methods for heating greenhouses in the winter: options for water, air, electric heat supply. Recommendations for the arrangement of the greenhouse.

The principles of heating various rooms and its calculation

The purpose of heating residential premises is to create comfortable living conditions.While the heating of industrial plants should also provide the best conditions for the operation of equipment and energy savings.

Industrial space heating

The peculiarity of production facilities in huge areas with a ceiling height of 7, sometimes up to 20 meters. Only the lower 1.5 - 2 meters need to be heated. Which makes no more than 30% of the volume of the room. Often in one room it is necessary to create different temperature and humidity conditions. In addition, fire safety standards and sanitary standards should be taken into account.

Given all the requirements, in modern workshops, infrared heating technology of industrial premises is increasingly being used. Devices emit warm infrared light, which heats the surfaces of equipment, floors, people. This method of heating is much more economical than convective, used widely enough for heating non-residential premises.

Installation of infrared heaters requires only the presence of electrical wiring. It can be turned off, it does not freeze during long periods of inactivity.

Infrared heaters can not only heat the air, but also contribute to technological processes. Some processes take place at high temperatures. It is possible to provide such heating, but a careful calculation of the heating of the room is necessary.

Infrared heating of industrial premises fully complies with sanitary and safety requirements. Such equipment cannot cause a fire, which happens when heated by heat guns.

Residential heating

According to sanitary standards, the optimal temperature of the living room is +21 degrees, humidity 55%. It is these parameters that the residential heating system should support.

In order to correctly calculate the heating of a room, it is necessary to measure the air humidity and choose heating devices taking into account the obtained indicator.

So, the oil cooler practically does not dry the air. Therefore, it is good for rooms with humidity up to 65%. If the humidity is 75 - 80%, it is necessary to install an electric convector, significantly reducing air humidity. The convector is mounted under the window, because from here moist and cold air enters the room.

In overdried air there is a lot of dust, causing allergies and creating unsanitary conditions. Therefore, choosing a heating system for non-residential premises and residential buildings, it is advisable to contact a professional.


