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Heading "Heating"

Choosing an electric boiler for heating a private house
Choosing the most functional and inexpensive boiler for heating, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture, strength, shape, volume, supply and other important nuances that will have weight in matters of heat transfer. Consider the most popular ...

Gas convectors for heating a private house
Gas heating convector - operating principle, advantages and disadvantages, technical specifications, selection rules, features of the main element of the heat exchanger, smoke exhaust, scope, manufacturers.

Description and varieties of Kiturami boilers
Kiturami boiler - description and varieties, advantages and disadvantages of heating, characteristics and features, recommendations for selection, an overview of popular models.

Connection of underfloor heating convector
Floor-mounted convectors for water heating - device and principle of operation, types, pros and cons, basic requirements, rules for choosing a device, installation and connection, operation and maintenance.

Characteristics of the gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F
Gas boiler BAXI Eco Four 24 F - features, specifications, design, advantages and disadvantages, errors, functions, management and safety.

Correct installation of heating mats for tiles
Tile heating mat - varieties, features of the choice of a suitable option, installation and connection, advantages and disadvantages, manufacturers.

Using underfloor heating as primary heating
Heating underfloor heating - the main types and choices, positive and negative sides of the system, recommended capacities, calculation and selection of equipment, insulation.

Choosing an electric boiler for heating 100 square meters
An electric boiler for heating a house of 100 square meters - application, varieties, specifications, advantages and disadvantages, costs, choice, connection, models.

The right check valve for the heating system
Check valve for heating - the purpose of the fittings, varieties, advantages and disadvantages, installation and configuration rules, connection diagram options.

What is biofuel in fireplaces and what is its feature
Biofuel for a fireplace - composition, characteristics, varieties, advantages and disadvantages, consumption, self-production, operational moments.

The main differences between foam and polystyrene
Penoplex or expanded polystyrene which is better - manufacturing of materials, general properties, differences in characteristics, areas of application, what to choose.