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Heading "Heating"

Combined gas-electricity heating boilers
Electric gas boiler - characteristic features, advantages and disadvantages, types in terms of the number of circuits, nuances when choosing, recommendations for operation, popular models.

Electrode heating boilers for a private house
Electrode heating boiler - features of the device and the principle of operation, types, advantages and disadvantages, basic requirements for the coolant, efficiency, installation nuances.

Connecting an electric boiler to a heating system in a private house
The heating scheme of a private house with an electric boiler - the choice of the unit, installation location, additional equipment, do-it-yourself connection and start-up, advantages and disadvantages.

Dimensions and benefits of flat heating radiators
Flat heating radiators - device and characteristics, advantages, features, varieties, installation process and proper use, battery selection.

Mineral wool insulation boards for insulation
Mineral plate - advantages over other heaters, main varieties, technical characteristics, fields of application, density marking, choice of manufacturer, size range.

Versatile use of sheet polystyrene
Polystyrene sheet - technical specifications, release forms, types of material, physical and chemical properties, applications, advantages, processing methods.

Proper start and start of the gas boiler
How to turn on the gas boiler - pre-start measures, rules for filling the system with water, accompanying work, start-up technology, commissioning in winter.

Flushing radiators at home
Radiator cleaning - the main signs of the need for washing, reagents for work, causes of pollution, methods, procedure in an apartment and in a private house, in the heating season.

The principle of operation of automation for a heating boiler
Automation for heating boilers - the main types and advantages of automatic devices, functionality, operating principle, popular manufacturers.

Advantages and features of Baksi double-circuit boilers
Two-loop Baksi boiler - the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, types, features of choice, functions, common problems, the main models of the company.

What are the heating systems and their application
Types of heating - varieties by type of energy carrier, heat transfer to the room, by the principle of the heating element, advantages and disadvantages, scope of use.