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Heading "Heating"

The main types of temperature controllers for heaters
Thermostat for the heater - the main varieties, specifications, advantages and disadvantages, the basic rules when choosing a device, scope.

Which fan heater to choose for heating a house
Thermal fan - the principle of the structure, existing types, specifications, advantages and disadvantages, selection rules, scope, popular models.

Why install a GSM module for a heating boiler
GSM module for heating boilers — purpose and functions, device, basic installation requirements, advantages and disadvantages, popular models in terms of price and quality.

How to properly insulate the ceiling with expanded clay
Expanded clay insulation with ceramsite - a brief description, advantages and disadvantages, methods, preparatory stage. The process of thermal insulation: do it yourself, in a bathhouse, in a private house.

How to connect a heat exchanger to a bath tank
Connecting the tank to the heat exchanger in the bathhouse - purpose, types, material of the tank, advantages and disadvantages, sizes and shapes, methods of proper installation.

Features of work and types of waste heat boilers
Waste heat boiler - a description of the varieties, equipment, technical specifications, advantages and disadvantages of equipment, features of work, scope.

The subtleties of masonry with insulation inside
Brick with insulation inside - the choice of material, types of masonry, advantages and disadvantages, necessary tools and materials, wall construction technology.

Sources of alternative heating in a private house
Alternative heating systems for a private house - the definition of the name, the reason for drawing attention to the system, types of heating, advantages and disadvantages, the basics of work.

Rules for the selection and use of heat-resistant paint for the furnace
Heat-resistant paint for furnaces - varieties, advantages, selection criteria, enamel characteristics, surface preparation and painting, home-made refractory mixture.

Multifunctional material polystyrene foam in granules
Polystyrene granules - unique features and properties, advantages and disadvantages, release forms, scope, popular manufacturers of raw materials.

How can you insulate the external wall in a panel house
Insulation of the external wall of a prefabricated house - causes of freezing, advantages and disadvantages, materials for thermal insulation, methods, sequence of work.