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Heading "Heating"

Specifications and description Nobo heaters
Nobo heater - operating principle, technical specifications, advantages and disadvantages, selection and installation, causes and elimination of breakdowns, maintenance and safety rules.

Methods for calculating the amount of insulation for the roof
How to calculate the insulation on the roof - the requirements for materials, the calculation of the required quantity, determination with thickness, thermal insulation with your own hands.

The use of components for creating water heat-insulated floors
Components for a water floor heating - the necessary devices and materials, pipes and fasteners, insulation, collector, boiler, pump, components for a dry installation method.

How to insulate a bath from a foam block with your own hands from the inside
Insulation of the bath from foam blocks from the inside - comparison of different materials, features of the process, the use of siding, the need to maintain heat.

Heater for water pipes on the street
How to insulate a water pipe in the ground at a shallow depth - the reasons for the need, methods, requirements, insulation materials and features, do-it-yourself work.

Options for calculating the power of gas boilers for heating a house
How to calculate the power of a gas boiler - calculation formulas, factors affecting the calculations, the choice of structures depending on the area of the room, popular models.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a fireplace in a house and apartment
Fireplace installation - device, features and varieties of furnaces, installation rules, foundation, high-quality lining, installation of the chimney, operation requirements.

How and how to insulate a wooden house from a log
Log house insulation - requirements for the properties of insulation materials, recommended heat insulators, advantages and disadvantages, the process of interior decoration.

Technology of facade insulation with polystyrene foam
How to insulate the facade of a house with polystyrene foam - material characteristics, advantages, choice, required equipment and materials, work execution technology, common mistakes.

Comparison of home insulation with foam and mineral wool
What is better than foam or mineral wool - technical specifications, similar properties of materials, distinctive abilities, areas of use of heat insulators.

DIY insulation of the foundation in a wooden house
How to insulate the foundation of a wooden house with your own hands outside is a necessity, advantages and disadvantages, types and methods, necessary materials for thermal insulation.