The level of comfort in a room and the safety of people depend on well-selected and correctly installed fixtures. One of the elements that simplify movement in the dark is a night light with a motion sensor
The principle of nightlight with DD

All night lamps with motion sensors work on the principle of changing the parameters of the emitted signal when a person or other living creature falls into the zone of its action.
Circuit closure occurs under the influence of such factors:
- temperature change;
- beam interruption;
- changing the characteristics of the signal.
In all cases, a relay is triggered, which supplies electricity to the lamp. The continuation of its glow depends on the factory or independently made settings. In most cases, the lamp goes out after 5-10 seconds after a person leaves the signal range.
Lamp classification
On sale is a wide range of devices that differ in signal type, power, location and type of installation. Thanks to this diversity, it will not be difficult to choose a device that meets the requirements.
By the type of emitted waves, devices are divided into the following categories:
- Infrared Turning on occurs when the temperature decreases and rises in the room. Changes are recorded by IR sensor.
- Microwave The operation occurs when the sensor responds to a change in the frequency of waves in the territory that falls into its sector of operation.
- Ultrasonic They work on the principle of echolocation, which is used in the manufacture of radar and sonars.
- Combined. They consist of two or more sensors, which increases the reliability of devices, but increases their energy consumption.
Devices can work from a household network 220 V, batteries or solar panels. Products are installed in residential and utility rooms, along garden paths, on the walls of street buildings.
By the method of fastening, the devices are divided into stationary and removable. The first option is rigidly attached to the base and is designed to be constantly in one place. Lamps of the second type are mounted on the surface with Velcro, hooks, brackets or stuck into a charger that performs the function of the base. According to the device, the lamps are overhead and recessed.
Criteria for choosing nightlights with motion sensor
When choosing nightlights equipped with motion sensors for a house or apartment, one should be guided by the following criteria:
- created illumination;
- power consumption;
- sensitivity;
- type of emitted signal;
- power supply;
- reliability;
- resistance to temperature and dampness;
- cost;
- type of mount.
In each case, the issue of lighting organization should be approached comprehensively. On the street, it is advisable to install a stand-alone removable night light with a battery-powered motion sensor. It can be removed and removed if necessary. For the room, it is better to choose stationary lamps that plug into 220 V.
Choosing a place to install
There are no rules regarding the installation of night lights with sensors. Products can be mounted on such objects:
- lamp post;
- entrance gate;
- porch visor;
- inner and outer wall;
- ceiling;
- gazebo;
- cabinet and upholstered furniture;
- Appliances;
- suspended and tension structures.
When deciding where it is better to install a nightlight, one should take into account the opinion of all residents, not forgetting about children who are afraid of the dark.
Installation of fixtures and connection
It is not necessary to invite a wizard to install the fixtures, as this procedure is simple and does not take much time.
- Removing the product from packaging, checking for completeness.
- Study installation and use instructions.
- Mounting the base, if provided by the design.
- Setting the night light, connecting to the network.
- Configuring instrument parameters.
During installation, you should pay attention so that the nightlight does not create obstacles for free movement around the house and cannot be accidentally damaged.
Advantages and disadvantages of using
A night lamp with a sensor has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of the device:
- energy saving;
- lack of need to look for the switch in complete darkness;
- additional safety at night;
- comfort of movement in the dark;
- wide selection of different models;
- a large number of settings;
- ease of installation.
High-quality fixtures can be noted only one drawback - the price. It’s impossible to call it affordable, but the level of comfort is worth it.
DIY nightlight making
Having a soldering iron and a screwdriver at your disposal, you can easily make a night lamp with your own hands.
- remote control and receiver from an old TV, video player or music center;
- 220 V lamp with resistor or 12 V LED;
- power supply from a mobile phone or a two-wire cable for 220V as a power source;
- a piece of frosted plastic to diffuse light.
You need to connect the receiver to the power supply, a lamp and close the device with a diffuser. After installing the batteries in the remote control, the automatic night light is ready for use.
Review of the best models
Despite the abundance of products of this type, there are a number of products that occupy a leading position among peers.
- Xiaomi NL (China);
- Svetozar SV57991 (Russia);
- Camelion XYD480 (China);
- TDM Electric;
- Eurosvet 305.
Purchases should be made from reliable and trusted dealers. You always need to ask the seller for a quality certificate for the goods.