When installing plastic windows in an apartment, you need to understand that this type of structure is almost completely hermetic. You can open the window and ventilate the room, but when closed, fresh air from the street cannot get into the room due to the snug fit of the frame elements. Therefore, ventilation should be organized in the apartment with plastic windows. You can not ignore this issue, otherwise you will have to face some difficulties during the operation of such housing.
Advantages and disadvantages of plastic structures

Positive sides of plastic windows:
- The room is warm. Sealing gum, a smooth even profile and double-glazed windows are perfectly fitted, there are no cracks and drafts, the vacuum layer between the glasses is an excellent heat insulator.
- The appearance of the frame is very neat and presentable.
- Plastic does not need constant painting, it is durable and does not dry out like wood.
This design is convenient to mount, you can install a mosquito net. In comparison with high-quality glued-beam Euro-windows, for example, plastic profiles are much cheaper.
Sealing eliminates the possibility of creating a natural cycle of air mass between the room and the street. From this there is a need for additional material costs for the supply and exhaust ventilation equipment.
Plastic in itself does not belong to environmentally friendly products and, contrary to the assurances of manufacturers, can release harmful substances when heated.
What causes the lack of normal ventilation
The supply and exhaust system is considered normal if it provides the standard norms of humidity and purity of indoor air, specified in SNiPs. This directly depends on its performance and the correct location of the supply valves. An unsuccessful arrangement of ventilation or a lack of its capacity can lead to the following consequences:
- High humidity in the room. The walls become damp, drips form on the windows, water accumulates on the windowsills.
- Blackening in the corners. Moisture promotes the formation of fungal colonies that settle in shaded places.
- Deterioration of well-being. Pathogenic bacteria actively accumulate in a poorly ventilated building. In addition, fungi produce microscopic spores that give allergic reactions and complications to the respiratory organs.
- Damage to furniture and interior elements. Dampness contributes to the peeling of parts of wood boards, bloating.
- Excessive dryness indoors. The problem occurs when there is no ventilation and the heating batteries are very overheated. The housing breathes heavily and furniture drying out.
Dry air is poorly tolerated by indoor plants; additional humidifiers are required.
Vent valve
The design of the supply devices allows you to create a channel for the passage of air from the street into the room. Due to the narrow duct of such an element, the temperature regime in the room practically does not change in terms of cooling the room. In this case, circulation occurs continuously if exhaust ventilation is properly organized.
There are supply mechanisms that can be installed directly on the frame from a plastic profile, there are wall-type devices. In the first case, a simpler design allows you to mount the element yourself and quite quickly. Valves for installation in the bearing part of the structure require the organization of the channel through the entire thickness, which is not always possible without special equipment.
Vent valves can be with a fixed capacity and with the ability to control the width of the passage.
Flange valves
This type of ventilation equipment cannot be called complete, since it has a very low productivity. To bring the microclimate of the house to normal, regular additional ventilation is required. From a structural point of view, this is a simple element that is installed in a frame narthex. The main purpose of this component can be considered as ventilation of the area adjacent to the euro-window - the slope zone and the lumen itself to remove condensate, to get rid of the fungus in the corners.
Slot devices
The most popular type of equipment for plastic windows to create a stable flow of fresh air. Install mechanisms in a horizontal impost or in the area of the sash on the upper profile. Structurally, a single element is a two-way block system, where the external unit performs a protective function, preventing insects and dust from entering the house, and the internal one is responsible for air throughput.
Devices can be adjusted manually, or there are automatic slotted valves. Due to the upper installation in the house there is no feeling of passing drafts, cold masses, gradually mixing with warm ones, do not bring discomfort.
Supply air
Products of this kind are the most effective among all considered. Their advantage is high bandwidth, but there are several significant disadvantages:
- Install devices between the wall and the frame. Therefore, it is necessary to equip housing with such elements before installing eurowindows.
- Any noise that comes from the street easily penetrates the rooms. Because of this, it is impossible to use the product for ventilation in very noisy areas of the city. This product is in demand for the equipment of warehouse and technical premises of various organizations and enterprises.
The overhead supply valves are simple in design and operation, and have an integrated coarse filter. You can install them yourself if you have an idea about installing profiles made of plastic.
Household recuperators
The principle of recovery in the exhaust system is based on the transfer of heat from the heated room air stream to the cold air from the street due to the copper heat exchanger. The process is possible due to the simultaneous movement of masses in opposite directions inside the device. In this case, there is no mixing of flows.
The operation of the device is ensured by the functioning of two built-in fans with a suction impeller. The control is carried out by an electronic circuit that can increase and decrease the air flow by adjusting the engine speed accordingly. Recuperators are economical, silent and do not create a draft effect.
Supply and exhaust ventilation in a room with plastic windows
The standard exhaust system in the room where the plastic windows are installed should contain:
- exhaust fan with exhaust air duct;
- non-return valve to prevent the ingress of cold air through the ventilation hole during the period the engine is off;
- inflow mechanisms that allow for full air exchange between the external and internal environment.
For each specific room, it is necessary to calculate the performance of electrical and mechanical equipment. If the technical base is incorrectly selected, material investments in the system may be unjustified. This primarily concerns the operation of ventilation in the winter.
If it is not possible to adjust the performance of the ventilation system, up to 60% of the heat can go through the ventilation pipe in the cold season.