How to make a hood in the kitchen in a private house through the wall

One of the aspects of human health is a favorable microclimate. Of great importance is a comfortable temperature, room humidity and clean air. The purification system plays an important role here. This is all the more relevant in connection with the use of building materials clogging the interior. Ventilation in a private house with access to the wall allows you to maintain a healthy living environment.

Common ventilation problems

Forced ventilation channel in the wall of the house

Due to the cost of energy, homeowners are trying to reduce their costs through the use of energy-saving technologies. To reduce heat loss, plastic windows and doors with sealed gaskets are installed everywhere. Achieving a positive effect in the field of heat saving, people lose in another area - in the natural circulation of air masses through microcracks and cracks in building structures.

The next factor of insufficient filtering in houses where air handling units are installed is their incorrect organization. It may consist in insufficient capacity in terms of the area of ​​the building and in poor-quality installation of lines. As a result, due to low efficiency, not all air volume inside the house will be updated on time.

The result of all this is increased humidity, an accumulation of harmful gas formation and the development of pathogenic microflora in private housing construction. Damage to interior decoration materials here is the most harmless that can happen, more dangerous - exacerbation of respiratory viral diseases and allergic reactions.

Organization of ventilation with access to the wall

The life support system of housing construction in terms of filtering ventilation cannot be built on any one principle. An integrated approach is important here. Permanent air exchange can only be ensured if there is a sufficient supply. Therefore, the natural paths of clean air and ventilation in the forced wall are important. In the first case, we are talking about airing the house by opening windows.

In winter, when the temperature difference in the house and on the street is significant, the traction ability of the filter ventilation is much higher than in the warm season.

Natural range hood

Natural ventilation through a wall without a fan with adjustable air supply

Natural exhaust is understood as a set of measures for organizing exhaust ducts without the use of forced fans. Due to low productivity and depending on the weather on the street, such systems need a good air flow. When equipping a house with a natural ventilation pipe, it is necessary to think about leaving it in each room of the building and equipping such spaces with supply valves that are installed on the wall opposite the exhaust hole.

Natural filtering is more beneficial for the human body, since the movement of the mass flow does not create unwanted drafts. The pumping volume is in the range of 0.9-0.7 cubic meters per hour.

Force Settings

In comparison with natural cleaning, the hood through the wall to the forced street has an electric motor with an impeller, which sucks the exhaust air out of the apartment. Depending on the area of ​​a particular room or the entire building as a whole, such units can have different capacities.A full-fledged circuit is also equipped with supply fans that pump masses from the street inwards, which work simultaneously with exhaust fans.

The speed of air flow in a house in such conditions reaches 5.5 - 3 cubic meters per hour, which is noticeable as a light blow. Therefore, such settings can be uncomfortable for particularly sensitive people.

Forced ventilation can be equipped with a separate room or the whole house, laying multi-channel mines.

Combined ventilation device

Supply valve device

The mixed filtering ventilation scheme is based on the principle of laying a network of branched arms for natural convection of air masses and equipping individual rooms with supply valves. In addition to all this, in places of the greatest accumulation of vapors and moisture, they organize forced ventilation through the wall to the street in the form of overhead appliances.

Such a system is the most productive, as it allows a flexible approach to the issue of cleaning. With good external traction, you can not use electrical equipment, thereby saving money.

How to calculate a hood through a wall

Calculation of air exchange for different rooms

The simplest calculation of filtering ventilation of a private house comes down to determining the performance of electrical equipment necessary to ensure air exchange. To do this, you can use the multiplicity method. Its essence is that for each type of room the volume of air mass must be replaced a certain number of times per unit of time (one hour). The power of the electric fan is also calculated by the ability to pump out a certain amount within an hour. Therefore, to calculate the performance, the formulaM = n x Vwhere:

  • M - calculated fan power;
  • n - the rate of change of the air volume of the internal space (for each type of room it is its own and regulated by standards);
  • V - cubic capacity of a particular room.

All these calculations are relevant for any type of electric exhaust equipment:

  • axial design models;
  • centrifugal fans;
  • intra-channel installed devices.

In addition to basic devices, a standard supply and exhaust circuit may include supply valves, check valves, pipes of circular and rectangular cross-section, decorative and protective grilles, mosquito nets.

For the effective operation of the equipment, devices with a small margin in performance should be taken.

Installation in rooms for various purposes

There is no difference in the organization of the technical part of the hood in different types of rooms. Everywhere this process is accompanied by laying channels, supplying electricity, installing fans. The difference can only be in the power of the installed equipment and the rules for the conclusions of these ducts regarding the ceiling, floor and the relative position of the supply and exhaust pipes. All these points are stipulated by building codes and rules. For the layman, one can consider simplified schemes for organizing the treatment principle.

Cooker hood

The kitchen must have at least 2 exhaust ducts - common and above the stove

According to the rules, the ventilation system in the kitchen must be formed on the basis of two exhaust ducts: one local over the stove and a common one, and an air intake device, which can be a regular window.

If the kitchen is equipped with a stove working on natural gas, the air exchange rate per hour should be about 140 cubic meters. In the case of using an electric hob, this figure can be reduced to 110 cubic meters.

Ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

The minimum parameters of air exchange in the bathroom and toilet correspond to 50 cubic meters per hour, the maximum reaches 150 cubic meters. All this relates to standard rooms.Since the places for receiving bath procedures are not always equipped with windows and there is no way to open the window, air must be supplied through openings in the lower part of the door leaf or through the supply pipes.

The hood inlet must be in close proximity to the moisture source. In combined bathrooms, you need to exit both over the bathtub and over the toilet.

Laying a channel in a concrete wall

For concrete walls, a diamond cutting device is used.

As a rule, it is more expedient to make a round channel through a concrete wall. Drilling of material is carried out using diamond cutting, the so-called victorious crowns. The diameter of the crown should be larger than the diameter of the seat of the device, taking into account the laying of the pipe and insulation on it. In the absence of insulation, condensate can accumulate on the channel walls, so it must be laid with a slight slope towards the street, but this only applies to the forced filter ventilation scheme. The channel material should be made of thermostable plastic or stainless steel. Reinforcement in concrete can be carried out using mounting foam.

Advantages and disadvantages of hoods

Forced cleaning through the wall allows you to create an effective exchange of air masses, regardless of the state of natural traction. For the organization of the system, as a rule, large labor costs are not required, the energy costs of such equipment are also minimal. Adjustable fans are conveniently tuned to any operating mode.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the presence of a certain noise in the work, slightly felt drafts, dependence on electricity.


