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Heading "Ventilation"

How to choose and install a corrugated pipe for ventilation
Corrugation for hoods - structural features, classification, scope, advantages and disadvantages, the main criteria for a successful choice, the subtleties of installation and installation, the secrets of masking.

How to make forced ventilation in the apartment
Forced ventilation - definition of a concept, features and design, advantages and disadvantages, basic types, installation rules, installation care.

Replacing the backlight in different hoods
How to change a light bulb in an extractor hood - causes of failure, replacement depending on the design, disposal of spent light sources. Features of replacing lamps in hoods Maunfeld, Krona, Elikor and other models.

How to install a hood in the kitchen with your own hands
Installing the hood in the kitchen - the rules and features of installation, the choice of place and preparation of the tool, instructions and basic stages of work, duct and electrical connection.

How to get rid of back draft in a chimney
Back draft in the chimney what to do - definition of a concept, causes of occurrence, methods for checking for a problem, methods for solving the problem and temporary options.

Which air purifiers are best for allergy sufferers or asthmatics
Air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics - allergens in the air, the principle of operation of the device, varieties, recommendations for choice, rating of the best models of 2020.

Types and varieties of hoods without air ducts to the kitchen
Types of hoods for a kitchen without an air duct - varieties, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, rules for choosing a device, installation and maintenance of the device, the best models.

Installing proper ventilation in the apartment
Ventilation in an apartment - standards and requirements, varieties, creation of conditions for exhaust operation, organization of fresh air intake, installation of duct systems.

Methods of insulation of the ventilation pipe in a private house
Insulation of ventilation pipes in a cold attic - purpose, selection of heat-insulating materials, operating procedure, advantages and disadvantages, DIY installation.

Flexible ducts for ventilation systems
Flexible duct - description and manufacturing technology, technical specifications. Areas of application and installation instructions. Restriction on use, popular manufacturers.

Self-made air dryer
DIY air dryer - description and purpose, design and principle of operation, the algorithm for creating the device yourself, types, humidity control.