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Heading "Ventilation"

DIY ventilation system cleaning
Ventilation cleaning - purpose, need for work, types of pollution, frequency of action, check for need, do-it-yourself job description.

The best humidifiers for kids room
How to choose an air humidifier for an apartment with a small child - the need and benefit, types, advantages and disadvantages, placement in a room, rules of choice, rating of the best.

How to make ventilation in a private house with your own hands
Ventilation in a private house is a necessity, mistakes and inconsistencies, types, advantages and disadvantages, the most effective options, organization of flows.

At what distance to install the hood over the gas stove
The distance from the gas stove to the hood - classification by the principle of operation, types of hoods, established standards, influencing factors, installation rules, duct, operation.

How is the ventilation duct in a multi-storey building
Ventilation in an apartment building - mandatory components, operating principle, types of system design, arrangement requirements, organization of air circulation in an apartment, sewage.

How to make a hood in the cellar with your own hands
Ventilation in the cellar - types and requirements for arrangement, selection recommendations, equipment for the device, advantages and disadvantages, rules for installing an air outlet, microclimate.

How to install a chimney in the bath yourself
Chimneys for a bath - materials for construction, types of pipes, device, parameters, installation features of a bath smoker, installation and selection rules, additional tips.

How to install a hood for gas stoves
Hood over a gas stove - a necessity, popularity, types of exhaust systems, preparation before work, proper installation in an apartment and a private house, important points and recommendations.

How to properly remove the chimney through the roof
The passage of the chimney through the roof - the need for a device, the consequences of poor-quality installation, fire safety, the choice of location, the choice of site design, options.

How to install a duct fan
Installation of a duct fan - definition of the concept, device and principle of operation, types and design features, advantages and disadvantages, scope, installation.

Making a gate for a do-it-yourself duct
Gate for ventilation - a description of the concept, classification, specific designs, installation features and basic installation methods, recommendations on how to make a damper yourself.