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Heading "Ventilation"

How to connect a fan in the bathroom to the switch with your own hands
When installing a fan in the bathroom with your own hands, you should study the wiring. Connection will require laying energy supply, installing the device in the ventilation duct, sealing joints.

Norms of air exchange rate in industrial premises: description and calculation
The rate of air exchange for industrial premises is in the range from 1 to 10 units. To determine the use of industry documents, SNiPs, standards.

How to make ventilation in the cellar
Ventilation in the cellar consists of a pair of ducts in different corners of the room. Air begins to circulate if one is installed on the floor and the other on the ceiling 50 cm from the floor.

Fans for hoods in the bathroom: differences and devices
Silent exhaust fans for the bathroom can be very different. Each manufactured device is designed for different operating conditions.

Calculation and the device for drawing hoods in the garage with your own hands
Simple ventilation for a garage where vehicles are painted is not suitable. She simply will not be able to cope with the task that she is posed.

Choosing the right humidifier: types, model overview, need
When choosing a humidifier, you need to decide for which room a humidifier is purchased. The budget also matters, and we will show you how to spend it.

We make an exhaust hood for a barbecue made of metal or brick
The hood may have a round, oval, square or rectangular cross-section. It is desirable that the size of the smoke collector slightly exceed the parameters of a barbecue or barbecue.

Calculation of air ducts and fittings according to the formulas online
In order for ventilation to work properly, it is necessary to calculate the area of air ducts and fittings. They mainly affect system performance.

How to calculate indoor air exchange: rate ratios
The calculation of the air exchange rate is based on the norm indicator, based on the type and purpose of the building. According to the calculation data table, it is found by the formula: L = Vpom * Kр (m3 / h).

Calculation of industrial exhaust ventilation system
The calculation of supply and exhaust ventilation is determined in cubic meters per hour. First of all, it is determined what height and area of the room.

Air Duct Manufacturing: Overview of Equipment and Production
Ventilation ducts are divided into fireproof, stainless and others. But it is worth considering that the most used in the construction of the box is flexible and rigid.