Connection diagram for a fan in the bathroom
Connection diagram for a fan in the bathroom
How to connect the fan in the bathroom to the switch - device selection, verification, event options, organization of air exchange, wall and ceiling installation, through a light bulb or with a timer.
How to make ventilation in aerated concrete houses
How to make ventilation in aerated concrete houses
Ventilation in a house from aerated concrete - scheme and device, varieties, optimal system parameters, calculation and design, do-it-yourself installation rules
How does an air purifier work for an apartment
How does an air purifier work for an apartment
Air purification: methods and methods, variety and technical characteristics of devices. Rules for choosing and making yourself. Advantages and disadvantages, ranking the best.
Easy ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands
Easy ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands
How to make ventilation in a wooden house - arrangement rules, varieties, design and design features, do-it-yourself installation rules.
Varieties and purpose of kitchen air purifiers
Varieties and purpose of kitchen air purifiers
An air cleaner for the kitchen above the stove - the main types, the principle of the filter, tasks for use, optimal selection factors, do-it-yourself installation rules.
What is recovery and the principle of its operation
What is recovery and the principle of its operation
Recovery is what - a description and principle of operation, a variety of installations. The main advantages and disadvantages of ventilation systems. The most popular manufacturers and selection criteria.
Existing types and classification of ducts
Existing types and classification of ducts
What are the ducts - the main types, classification and characteristics, positive and negative properties, scope, installation features.
How to calculate natural ventilation for a room
How to calculate natural ventilation for a room
Calculation of natural ventilation: proper organization and standards. Features and application of the system, formulas and goals. Proper ductwork.
Sizes and varieties of pipes for the kitchen hood
Sizes and varieties of pipes for the kitchen hood
Pipe for exhaust in the kitchen: the importance of choosing pipes for the duct, the main types and selection criteria. Practical tips for installing ventilation and pipe outlet options.
Methods for calculating the height of the ventilation pipe above the roof
Methods for calculating the height of the ventilation pipe above the roof
The height of the ventilation ducts over the roof: the main factors that affect the parameter. Necessity and types of ventilation. Calculation of the diameter of the duct and the height of the exhaust pipe.
Criteria for choosing a humidifier in an apartment
Criteria for choosing a humidifier in an apartment
An air humidifier for an apartment, which one to choose - purpose, variety of models and principles of work, functions and characteristics. The main criteria for the right choice for different rooms: whether you need the functions of air purification, recommended power, noiseless air humidifier, quality and beauty.


