The principle of operation of the supply ventilation system and its description
The principle of operation of the supply ventilation system and its description
Supply ventilation: the need and importance of air exchange, advantages and disadvantages. The main tasks and elements, classification, equipment models, optimization methods.
Determination of air humidity in the apartment room
Determination of air humidity in the apartment room
How to measure the humidity in the apartment: standards and devices used at home. Danger of high and dry air, humidification in the room.
Making a fan at home
Making a fan at home
DIY fan - design aspects, necessary materials and equipment, a variety of options for home-made devices, modernization of the existing one.
Installation of nodes for the passage of exhaust ventilation shafts through the roof
Installation of nodes for the passage of exhaust ventilation shafts through the roof
The node of the passage of ventilation through the roof: requirements, types and characteristics, marking. Features of DIY installation and work on a soft and hard roof.
The need to install a ventilation valve
The need to install a ventilation valve
Ventilation valves - the need for installation, design and principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, selection rules, installation technology, operation, manufacturers.
The purpose of the slide gate valve in the chimney
The purpose of the slide gate valve in the chimney
Chimney damper - definition of the concept, device and principle of operation, types, advantages and disadvantages, installation methods, DIY manufacturing, service features and service life.
Ways to make ventilation under a stretch ceiling
Ways to make ventilation under a stretch ceiling
Ventilation in a stretch ceiling - features and characteristics, the principle of ventilation, varieties, advantages and disadvantages, the nuances of arrangement and installation.
How to get rid of condensate in the chimney
How to get rid of condensate in the chimney
Condensate in the chimney pipe - how to get rid, definition of a concept, design requirements, consequences and causes, methods of elimination, education prevention.
Common Duct Connection Methods
Common Duct Connection Methods
Welded connection of air ducts - system classification, welding methods, equipment and materials used, advantages and disadvantages, scope.
Ways to get rid of condensation in the ventilation pipe of a private house
Ways to get rid of condensation in the ventilation pipe of a private house
Condensation in ventilation in a private house - the causes of the appearance and what it is associated with, the search for problems and proper insulation, pipe insulation, methods of solution, expert advice.
Ways to properly install the ventilation grill
Ways to properly install the ventilation grill
How to properly install the ventilation grill - the meaning and role, varieties and characteristics, the most common models, the main installation methods.


