Installing the ventilation grill in the windowsill
Installing the ventilation grill in the windowsill
Window sill lattice - necessity, varieties and characteristics, installation methods, important requirements, installation features, useful recommendations.
DIY installation and installation of a chimney pipe
DIY installation and installation of a chimney pipe
Fixing a chimney to a wall - a description of a sandwich pipe, advantages and disadvantages, device, design features of brackets, tools and installation methods, do-it-yourself installation.
Schemes and drawings of improvised air recuperators
Schemes and drawings of improvised air recuperators
DIY recuperator - definition of a concept, variety, advantages and disadvantages, manufacturing at home, the rules for choosing and calculating power.
DIY insulation methods for the chimney pipe
DIY insulation methods for the chimney pipe
How to insulate the chimney pipe - the need for action, advantages, materials, design and its features, methods for different types of structures, necessary tools, do-it-yourself work.
The benefits and harms of an ultrasonic humidifier
The benefits and harms of an ultrasonic humidifier
Ultrasonic humidifier pros and cons - the need, the principle of operation and its device, features of use, benefits and harms, unlike steam, tips for choosing, operation.
What to do if ventilation is not working well in an apartment building
What to do if ventilation is not working well in an apartment building
Ventilation in the apartment does not work, where to go: checking the work and possible causes of breakdowns. Ways to solve problems and install supply air valves.
How to make ventilation on the balcony and loggias yourself
How to make ventilation on the balcony and loggias yourself
Ventilation on the balcony - advantages and disadvantages, varieties and organization of the place, do-it-yourself installation, heat recovery, improving the efficiency of air exchange and features in the winter.
Description of the automatic control system in the field of ventilation
Description of the automatic control system in the field of ventilation
Automation of ventilation systems - determination of functional parameters, technical means, advantages and disadvantages, resource saving by indicators, sections and description.
Ways to get rid of high humidity in the apartment
Ways to get rid of high humidity in the apartment
How to reduce humidity in the apartment - indicators of norm, ventilation organization, consequences of increased dampness, variety, features of air exchange in rooms of different types.
What should be the thickness of the ventilation walls
What should be the thickness of the ventilation walls
Duct thickness - the main characteristics and types of the system, the use of thin steel and the consequences, types of materials, standardized sizes, features and advantages of black steel.
Ways to calculate the area of ​​the duct and fittings
Ways to calculate the area of ​​the duct and fittings
Calculation of the area of ​​ducts and fittings - the goals of making the calculations, general information for the calculation, methods and steps, basic requirements and tips, determination of pressure loss.


